California and the Chinese immigrants.
Most of the Chinese immigrants were railroad workers, miners, laundrymen and domestic servant.
1850 : California law provided that 'no black, or Mulatto person, or Indian shall be allowed to give evidence in favor of, or against a White man'.
1852 : California's Supreme Court declared that the Chinese could not be trusted as witnesses in a court of law.
1854 : The Times ; 26. Sept.
Several Chinese vessels have lately been seized for carrying an excess of passengers... the Chinese were packed in the fashion of a hencoop... One hundred of the passengers died on the voyage, and nearly all the rest are sick with the scurvy and are dying off very fast.
1871 : A mob of over 500 Caucasians entered Los Angeles' Chinatown to ransack Chinese-occupied buildings, and killed more than 20 Chinese residents.
1873 Revided California Code of Civil Procedure : witnesses were admitted to the courts of California regardless of color and nationality.
1882 : The statute prohibited any Chinese laborer from entering the U.S., and barred any state or federal court from naturalizing any Chinese.
History : China - United States of America