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Letter from John Macrae to John Dewey
October 3. 1921.
Prof. John Dewey, | 2880 Broadway, | New York City. My dear Professor Dewey:
I am taking a liberty with a busy and a distinguished man. Your daughter, Miss Evelyn, informs me that you are back in New York; this I take to be official.
I read your article in the NEW REPUBLIC on China. You probably have stored in your brain and graven across your heart a good deal of valuable feeling on the subject of China. I should like to publish a book by you on China; and I should like to publish another book by you on your feeling regarding the whole Asiatic and Japanese question,—in fact, I urge you to write such a book and to let me publish it for you.
It is good to realize that you are back here, and that you will devote your marvellous gifts to the education of America.
With my very kind personal regards, I am
Sincerely yours, | [John Macrae]

Mentioned People (1)

Dewey, John  (Burlington 1859-1952 New York, N.Y.) : Philosoph, Pädagoge, Psychologe


Philosophy : United States of America

Documents (1)

# Year Bibliographical Data Type / Abbreviation Linked Data
1 1919-1939 The Correspondence of John Dewey, 1871-1952. Electronic edition. Volume 2: 1919-1939. Past Masters : InteLex Corporation, 1999-.
aus Briefen, die China betreffen. Die Briefe wurden so übernommen, wie sie vom Dewey Center und Past Masters zur Verfügung gestellt wurden ; ohne Korrektur der Fehler].
Publication / DewJ3
  • Cited by: Asien-Orient-Institut Universität Zürich (AOI, Organisation)