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Browne, Thomas. Journal / Correspondence 1657-1681.
Thomas Browne’s works ; including his life and correspondence. Ed. By Simon Wilkin. (London : William Pickering, 1836). Vol. 1
Jan. 14 1664.
There are one million of soelgers to guard the great wall
of China, which extends from east to west three hundred
leagues : author, Belli Tartarici Martin Martinius.

Correspondence 1657-1681.
John Evelyn, Esq. to Dr. Browne 1657-1658
In Turkey, the East, and other parts.—The grand Signor's
in the Serraglio, the garden at Tunis, and old Carthage ; the garden
at Cairo, at Fez, the pensal garden at Pequin in China, also
at Timplan and Porassen ; St. Thomas's garden in the island neere
M. Hecla, perpetually verdant.

Dr. Browne to his son Edward. 1668.
I wish you would bring ouer some of the red marking stone
for drawinge, if any very good. One told mee hee read in
the French gazette, that the Duch had discovered the northeast
passage to China round about Tartaric I do not care
whether you go into Zeland, but if you should, Flushing and
Middleburgh are only worth the seeing.

Dr. Browne to his son Edward. 1679.
You did well to observe Ginseng. All exotick
rarities, and especially of the east, the East India trade
having encreased, are brought in England, and the best
profitt made thereof. Of this plant Kircherus writeth in his
China illustrata, pag. 178, cap. " De Exoticis Chinee plantis."

Dr. Browne to his son Edward. 1681.
The East India trade hath been great of late, butt how
lone it will bee so is uncertaine, for the commoditie of China
silks and gownes, and the like, is not like to hold allwayes,
with a mutable and changing people ; and how the trade will
bee interrupted I knowe not, when the French growe powerfull
and buisie in the Indies.

Mentioned People (1)

Browne, Thomas  (London 1605-1682 Norwich) : Philosoph, Dichter, Schriftsteller, Arzt


Philosophy : Europe : Great Britain

Documents (1)

# Year Bibliographical Data Type / Abbreviation Linked Data
1 1836 Browne, Thomas. Thomas Browne's works ; including his life and correspondence. Ed. by Simon Wilkin. (London : William Pickering, 1836).
Vol. 1 : Journal of Mr. E. Browne. Correspondence.

. 2 : Browne, Thomas. Religio medici. (Lugd. Batavorum : Apud Franciscum Hackium, 1644).
Browne, Thomas. Enquiries into vulgar and common errors. In : Browne, Thomas. Pseudodoxia epidemica: or, Enquiries into very many received tenents, and commonly presumed truths. By Thomas Brovvne Dr. of Physick. (London : Printed for Tho. Harper for Edvvard Dod, 1646).

. 3 : Browne, Thomas. Of languages, and particularly of the Saxon tongue. Tract VIII. In : Browne, Thomas. Certain miscellany tracts. (London : Printed for Charles Mearn, 1683). (Early English books, 1641-1700 ; 1277:26).
Browne, Thomas. Enquiries into vulgar and common errors. In : Browne, Thomas. Pseudodoxia epidemica: or, Enquiries into very many received tenents, and commonly presumed truths. By Thomas Brovvne Dr. of Physick. (London : Printed for Tho. Harper for Edvvard Dod, 1646).

. 4 : Browne, Thomas. A prophecy, concerning the future state of several nations. Tract XII. In : Browne, Thomas. Certain miscellany tracts. (London : Printed for Charles Mearn, 1683). (Early English books, 1641-1700 ; 1277:26).
Browne, Thomas. Museum clausum, or, Bibliotheca abscondita : containing some remarkable books, antiquities, pictures, and rarities or several kinds, scarce or never seen by any man now liging. Tract XIII.
Publication / BroT1
  • Source: [Browne, Thomas]. Weng zang. Tuomasi Bulang zhu ; Mou Zhe yi. (Beijing : Guang ming ri bao chu ban she, 2000). (Guang ming cong yi). Übersetzung von Browne, Thomas. Hydriotaphia, Religio medici, A letter to a friend.
    瓮葬 (BroT2, Publication)
  • Cited by: Worldcat/OCLC (WC, Web)