Lloyd, Robert. The cit's country box [ID D27206].
Well then to be sure, it must be own'd,
It is a charming spot of ground ;
So sweet a distance for a ride,
And all about to countrified !
'Twould come but to a trifling price
To make it quite a paradise :
I cannot bear those nasty rails,
Those ugly broken mouldy pales :
Suppose, my dear, instead of these,
We build a railing, all Chineseā¦
Now bricklay'rs, carpenters, and joiners,
With Chinese artists, and designers,
Produce their schemes of alteration,
To work this wond'rous reformation.
The useful dome, which secret flood,
Embosom'd in the yew-tree's wood,
The trav'ler with amazement sees
A temple, Gothic, or Chinese,
With many a bell, and tawdry rag on,
And crested with a sprawling dragon ;
A wooden arch is bent astride
A ditch of water, four foot wide,
With angles, curves, and zigzag lines,
From Halfpenny's exact designs.
In front, a level lawn is seen,
Without a shrub upon the green,
Where Taste would want its first great law,
But for the skulking, fly ha-ha,
By whose miraculous assistance,
You gain a prospect two fields distance.
Literature : Occident : Great Britain