# | Name | Name Alternative(s) | Info | Type |
1 |
Revelli, Victor |
Revelli, Victor Emile Michel |
(Breil-sur-Roya 1900-nach 1965) : Diplomat |
Person |
2 |
Reverzy, Jean |
(Balan, l'Ain 1914-1959 Lyon) : Arzt, Schriftsteller |
Person | |
3 |
Revesz, Laszlo |
(um 1976) |
Person | |
4 |
Réville, Albert |
(Dieppe 1826-1906 Paris) : Theologe, Professor Collège de France |
Person | |
5 |
Rex, Arthur von |
Rex, Arthur Alexander Kaspar von |
(1856-1926) : Deutscher Diplomat |
Person |
6 |
Rexroth, Georg |
(um 1930) |
Person | |
7 |
Rexroth, Kenneth |
(South Bend, Ind. 1905-1982 Santa Barbara, Calif.) : Dichter, Literaturkritiker, Essayist [The books of Rexroth are under copyright by New Directions. In the databse are all thr titles and authors of Chinese poems and online poems].. [There are no translations from his poems in Chinese until 2014]. |
Person | |
8 |
Reyes, Alina |
Nardone, Aline Patricia |
(Bruges 1956-) : Französische Schriftstellerin |
Person |
9 |
Reymond, Anrold |
(Vevey 1874-1958 Lausanne) : Philosoph |
Person | |
10 |
Reymont, Wladyslaw |
Reymond, Wladyslaw Stanislaw |
(Kobiele Wielkie bei Radomsko 1867-1925 Warschau) : Schriftsteller |
Person |
11 |
Reynaud, Louis |
Reynaud, Louis Osmond Ferdinand |
(Paris 1876 ?-1943 Spital Hong Kong) : Französischer Diplomat |
Person |
12 |
Reynolds, Arthur |
Reynolds, Arthur T.F. |
(Chesham, Buckinghamshire 1909-2001) : Protestantischer Missionar China Inland Mission |
Person |
13 |
Reynolds, Jim |
(1962-) : Amerikaner |
Person | |
14 |
Reynolds, Joshua |
Reyonlds, Sir Joshua |
(Plympton bei Plymouth 1723-1792 London) : Maler, Vorsitzender Royal Academy of Arts |
Person |
15 |
Reynolds, Lincoln C. |
(um 1917) : Amerikanischer Diplomat |
Person | |
16 |
Reynolds, Stephen |
(Andover, Essex 1782-1857 Boxford, Essex) : Reeder, Journalist |
Person | |
17 |
Rezzonico, Clemente |
(Saint-Imier, BE 1897-1976 Sorengo, TI) : Diplomat |
Person | |
18 |
Rheden, Peter |
Rheden, Peter Zölestin |
(Lienz, Österreich 1865-1942 Sarns (Italien) : Priester, Sinologe, Indologe |
Person |
19 |
Rhein, David |
(Audincourt 1886-nach 1947) : Diplomat |
Person | |
20 |
Rhein, Wilhelm |
( Luckau 1864-1941 Potsam) : Missionar Berliner Mission |
Person |