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Perry, Elizabeth J.

(Shanghai 1948-) : Henry Rosovsky Professor of Government, Department of Government, Harvard University

Name Alternative(s)

Perry, Elizabeth Jean


Index of Names : Occident / Sinology and Asian Studies : United States of America

Chronology Entries (48)

# Year Text Linked Data
1 1969 Elizabeth J. Perry erhält den B.A. in Political Science des William Smith College, Geneva N.Y.
  • Document: Perry, Elizabeth J. (Per, Person)
2 1971 Elizabeth J. Perry erhält den M.A. in Political Science der University of Washington, Seattle.
  • Document: Perry, Elizabeth J. (Per, Person)
3 1974-1976 Elizabeth J. Perry forscht für die Dissertation in Taiwan.
  • Document: Perry, Elizabeth J. (Per, Person)
4 1978 Elizabeth J. Perry promoviert in Political Science an der University of Michigan, Ann Arbor.
  • Document: Perry, Elizabeth J. (Per, Person)
5 1978-1982 Elizabeth J. Perry ist Assistant Professor of International Studies an der University of Washington, Seattle.
  • Document: Perry, Elizabeth J. (Per, Person)
6 1978-1990 Elizabeth J. Perry ist Mitglied des Editorial Board von Modern China.
  • Document: Perry, Elizabeth J. (Per, Person)
7 1978 Elizabeth J. Perry ist Mitglied des Board of Directors des National Committee on U.S.-China Relations.
  • Document: Perry, Elizabeth J. (Per, Person)
8 1979-1980 Elizabeth J. Perry forscht über die Taiping Rebellion an der Nanjing-Universität.
  • Document: Perry, Elizabeth J. (Per, Person)
9 1981-1987 Elizabeth J. Perry ist Direktorin des Seattle China Council.
  • Document: Perry, Elizabeth J. (Per, Person)
10 1982-1986 Elizabeth J. Perry ist Associate Professor of International Studies an der University of Washington, Seattle.
  • Document: Perry, Elizabeth J. (Per, Person)
11 1983-1986 Elizabeth J. Perry ist China book review editor des Journal of Asian studies.
  • Document: Perry, Elizabeth J. (Per, Person)
12 1983-1985 Elizabeth J. Perry ist Mitglied des Committee on Advanced Study in China.
  • Document: Perry, Elizabeth J. (Per, Person)
13 1983-1986 Elizabeth J. Perry ist Mitglied des China and Inner Asia Council der Association for Asian Studies.
  • Document: Perry, Elizabeth J. (Per, Person)
14 1985-1987 Elizabeth J. Perry ist Mitglied des Executive Board des China Council of the Asia Society.
  • Document: Perry, Elizabeth J. (Per, Person)
15 1986-1990 Elizabeth J. Perry ist Professor of International Studies der University of Washington, Seattle.
  • Document: Perry, Elizabeth J. (Per, Person)
16 1986-1987 Elizabeth J. Perry forscht über das Chinese labor movement an der Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences.
  • Document: Perry, Elizabeth J. (Per, Person)
17 1988 Elizabeth J. Perry ist Mitorganisatorin des Internationalen Symposiums "Modern Shanghai" der Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences.
  • Document: Perry, Elizabeth J. (Per, Person)
18 1988-1990 Elizabeth J. Perry ist Book Review Editor von Modern China.
  • Document: Perry, Elizabeth J. (Per, Person)
19 1988-1990 Elizabeth J. Perry ist Mitglied des China Selection Committee des American Council of Learned Societies.
  • Document: Perry, Elizabeth J. (Per, Person)
20 1990 Elizabeth J. Perry ist Hume Lecturer in East Asian Studies an der Yale University.
  • Document: Perry, Elizabeth J. (Per, Person)
21 1990-1991 Elizabeth J. Perry ist Visiting Professor of Political Science an der National Taiwan University.
  • Document: Perry, Elizabeth J. (Per, Person)
22 1990-1997 Elizabeth J. Perry ist Robson Professor of Political Science an der University of California, Berkeley.
  • Document: Perry, Elizabeth J. (Per, Person)
23 1991-1993 Elizabeth J. Perry ist Mitglied des Committee on Advanced Study in China.
  • Document: Perry, Elizabeth J. (Per, Person)
24 1991-2002 Elizabeth J. Perry ist Mitglied des Editorial Board von Asian survey.
  • Document: Perry, Elizabeth J. (Per, Person)
25 1992-1996 Elizabeth J. Perry ist Mitglied des Joint Committee on China Studies.
  • Document: Perry, Elizabeth J. (Per, Person)
26 1992- Elizabeth J. Perry ist Mitglied des Editorial Board des China quarterly.
  • Document: Perry, Elizabeth J. (Per, Person)
27 1992- Elizabeth J. Perry ist Mitglied des Editorial Board von Republican China = Twentieth-century China.
  • Document: Perry, Elizabeth J. (Per, Person)
28 1995- Elizabeth J. Perry ist Mitglied des Editorial Board des Journal of contemporary China.
  • Document: Perry, Elizabeth J. (Per, Person)
29 1996 Elizabeth J. Perry ist Henry M. Jackson Distinguished Lecturer am Whitman College, Walla Walla, Wash.
  • Document: Perry, Elizabeth J. (Per, Person)
30 1998 Elizabeth J. Perry ist Nichol Distinguished Speaker an der Duke University, Durham N.C.
  • Document: Perry, Elizabeth J. (Per, Person)
31 1998-2001 Elizabeth J. Perry ist Vizedirektorin des Harvard-Berkeley Center for Labor Politics.
  • Document: Perry, Elizabeth J. (Per, Person)
32 1998-2003 Elizabeth J. Perry ist Direktorin des "Grassroots political reform and good governance in China" Projekt des Harvard Research Grants Committee of the Hong Kong Government.
  • Document: Perry, Elizabeth J. (Per, Person)
33 1998 Elizabeth J. Perry forscht über das Chinese labor movement an der Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences.
  • Document: Perry, Elizabeth J. (Per, Person)
34 1998- Elizabeth J. Perry ist Herausgeberin der Serie State and society in East Asia.
  • Document: Perry, Elizabeth J. (Per, Person)
35 1999-2002 Elizabeth J. Perry ist Direktorin des Harvard University Fairbank Center for East Asian Research.
  • Document: Perry, Elizabeth J. (Per, Person)
36 1999- Elizabeth J. Perry ist Mitglied des Editorial Board von Studies in comparative and international development.
  • Document: Perry, Elizabeth J. (Per, Person)
37 2000 Elizabeth J. Perry ist Storer Lecturer am Kenyon College, Gambier, Ohio.
  • Document: Perry, Elizabeth J. (Per, Person)
38 2000 Elizabeth J. Perry ist Mitglied des Council on Foreign Relations und des Executive Committee des Hong Kong Institute for the Humanities and Social Sciences.
  • Document: Perry, Elizabeth J. (Per, Person)
39 2001-2004 Elizabeth J. Perry ist Honorary Professor an der Central China Normal University, Wuhan (Hubei).
  • Document: Perry, Elizabeth J. (Per, Person)
40 2002 Elizabeth J. Perry ist Admiral David Jeremiah Lecturer an der University of Oregon, Eugene.
  • Document: Perry, Elizabeth J. (Per, Person)
41 2002 Elizabeth J. Perry ist Mitorganisatorin des "Repositioning Hong Kong and Shanghai in Modern World History" der University of Hong Kong.
  • Document: Perry, Elizabeth J. (Per, Person)
42 2003 Elizabeth J. Perry ist Mitglied des Editorial Board der Tsinghua sociological review.
  • Document: Perry, Elizabeth J. (Per, Person)
43 2004 Elizabeth J. Perry ist Mansfield Freeman Lecturer an der Wesleyan University, Middletown, Conn.
  • Document: Perry, Elizabeth J. (Per, Person)
44 2004- Elizabeth J. Perry ist Mitglied des Editorial Board von Comparative political studies.
  • Document: Perry, Elizabeth J. (Per, Person)
45 2005 Elizabeth J. Perry ist Wooten Distinguished Lecturer an der Tufts University, Medord, Mass.
  • Document: Perry, Elizabeth J. (Per, Person)
46 2006 Elizabeth J. Perry ist Daxia Forum Lecturer der Australian and East China Normal University, Shanghai.
  • Document: Perry, Elizabeth J. (Per, Person)
47 2006 Elizabeth J. Perry ist Vizepräsidentin der Association for Asian Studies.
  • Document: Perry, Elizabeth J. (Per, Person)
48 2007 Elizabeth J. Perry ist Präsidentin der Association for Asian Studies.
  • Document: Perry, Elizabeth J. (Per, Person)

Bibliography (19)

# Year Bibliographical Data Type / Abbreviation Linked Data
1 1978 Perry, Elizabeth Jean. From rebels to revolutionaries : peasant violence in Huai-pei, 1845-1945. (Ann Arbor, Mich. : University of Michigan, 1978). Diss. Univ. of Michigan, 1978. [Huaibei (Anhui)]. Publication / Per3
2 1980 Perry, Elizabeth J. Rebels and revolutionaries in north China, 1845-1945. (Stanford, Calif. : Stanford University Press, 1980). Publication / Per4
3 1981 Chinese perspectives on the Nien rebellion. Ed. with an introd. by Elizabeth J. Perry. (Armonk, N.Y. : M.E. Sharpe, 1981). [Nian]. Publication / Per8
4 1982 Syncretic sects in Chinese society : [symposium]. Ed. by Stevan Harrell, Elizabeth J. Perry. Pt. 1-2. In : Modern China ; vol. 8, no 3-4 (1982). Publication / Per6
5 1985 The political economy of reform in post-Mao China. Ed. by Elizabeth J. Perry and Christine Wong. (Cambridge, Mass. : Harvard University Press, 1985) ; Council on East Asian Studies, 1985). (Harvard contemporary China series ; 2). Publication / Per11
6 1991 Popular protest and political culture in modern China : learning from 1989. Ed. by Jeffrey N. Wasserstrom and Elizabeth J. Perry. (Boulder, Colo. : Westview Press, 1991). (Politics in Asia and the Pacific). Publication / Per13
  • Person: Wasserstrom, Jeffrey
7 1993 Perry, Elizabeth J. ; Li, Xun. Revolutionary rudeness : the language of Red guards and rebel workers in China's Cultural revolution : recent translation theory and linguistic borrowing in the modern Sino-Chinese cultural text. (Bloomington, Ind. : Indiana University, East Asian Studies Center, 1933). (Indiana East Asian working paper series on language and politics in modern China ; 2). Publication / Fog25
8 1993 Perry, Elizabeth J. Shanghai on strike : the politics of Chinese labor. (Stanford, Calif. : Stanford University Press, 1993). Publication / Per18
9 1994 Shanghai social movements, 1919-1949. Guest editors, Elizabeth J. Perry and Jeffrey N. Wasserstrom ; transl. by Zhu Hong. (Armonk, N.Y. : M.E. Sharpe, 1994). (Chinese studies in history ; vol. 27, no 1-2). Publication / Per14
  • Person: Wasserstrom, Jeffrey
10 1995 Urban spaces in contemporary China : the potential for autonomy and community in post-Mao China. Ed. by Deborah S. Davis, Richard Kraus, Barry J. Naughton, Elizabeth J. Perry. (Cambridge, Mass. : Cambridge University Press, 1995). Publication / Per5
11 1996 Putting class in its place : worker identities in East Asia. Ed. by Elizabeth J. Perry. (Berkeley, Calif. : University of California, Institute of East Asian Studies, 1996). (China research monographs ; 48). Publication / Per12
12 1997 Danwei : the changing Chinese workplace in historical and comparative perspective. Ed. by Xiaobo Lü and Elizabeth J. Perry. (Armonk, N.Y. : M.E. Sharpe, 1997). (Socialism and social movements). Publication / Per10
13 1997 Perry, Elizabeth J. ; Li, Xun. Proletarian power : Shanghai in the cultural revolution. (Boulder, Colo. : Westview Press, 1997). (Transitions : Asia and Asian America). Publication / Per17
14 2000 Chinese society : change, conflict and resitance. Ed. by Elizabeth J. Perry and Mark Selden. (London : Routledge, 2000). [2nd rev. 2003]. Publication / Per9
15 2001 Perry, Elizabeth J. Shanghai ba gong : Zhongguo gong ren zheng zhi yan jiu. (Nanjing : Jiangsu ren min chu ban she, 2001). Übersetzung von Perry, Elizabeth J. Shanghai on strike : the politics of Chinese labor. (Stanford, Calif. : Stanford University Press, 1993).
上海罢工 : 中囯工人政治硏究
Publication / Per19
16 2002 Changing meanings of citizenship in modern China. Ed. by Merle Goldman, Elizabeth J. Perry. (Cambridge, Mass. : Harvard University Press, 2002). (Harvard contemporary China series ; 13). Publication / Per7
17 2002 Perry, Elizabeth J. Challenging the mandate of heaven : social protest and state power in China. (Armonk, N.Y. : M.E. Sharpe, 2002). (Asia and the Pacific). Publication / Per15
18 2006 Grassroots political reform in contemporary China. Ed. by Elizabeth J. Perry and Merle Goldman. (Cambridge, Mass. : Harvard University Press, 2006). Publication / Per2
  • Cited by: Perry, Elizabeth J. (Per, Person)
19 2006 Perry, Elizabeth J. Patrolling the revolution : worker, militias, citizenship, and the modern Chinese state. (Lanham, Md. : Rowman & Littlefield, 2006). (State and society in East Asia). Publication / Per16