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Carruthers, Douglas Mitchell

(London 1882-1962 Spital Islington) : Naturwissenschaftler, Forscher

Name Alternative(s)

Carruthers, Alexander Douglas Mitchell


Index of Names : Occident / Natural Sciences

Bibliography (1)

# Year Bibliographical Data Type / Abbreviation Linked Data
1 1913 Carruthers, Douglas [Mitchell]. Unknown Mongolia : a record of travel and exploration in north-west Mongolia and Szungaria. With three chapters on sport by J.H. Miller, and a foreword by the Right Hon. Early Curzon of Kedleston ; with 168 Illustrations, panoramas and diagrams, and 6 maps. Vol. 1-2. (London : Hutchingson & Co., 1913). [Bericht seiner Reise durch Sibirien, dem Yenesei Fluss entlang über die russisch-chinesische Grenze in die Mongolei].
Publication / Carr2