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Schell, Orville

(New York, N.Y: 1940-) : Dekan Graduate School of Journalism, University of California, Berkeley ; Arthur Ross Director, Center on U.S-China Relations


History of Media / Index of Names : Occident / Sinology and Asian Studies : United States of America

Chronology Entries (26)

# Year Text Linked Data
1 1960 Orville Schell nimmt Chinesisch Kurse am Chinese language summer program der Stanford University.
  • Document: Schell, Orville (Sche, Publication)
2 1961-1962 Orville Schell studiert am Department of History der National Taiwan University.
  • Document: Schell, Orville (Sche, Publication)
3 1964 Orville Schell erhält den B.A. in Far Eastern History des Department of History der Harvard University.
  • Document: Schell, Orville (Sche, Publication)
4 1967 Orville Schell erhält den M.A. in Chinese History des Department of History der University of California, Berkeley.
  • Document: Schell, Orville (Sche, Publication)
5 1967-1968 Orville Schell ist Foreign Area Training Fellow des Center for Chinese Studies der University of California, Berkeley.
  • Document: Schell, Orville (Sche, Publication)
6 1967 Orville Schell ist Mitglied des Committee of Concerned Asian Scholars.
  • Document: Schell, Orville (Sche, Publication)
7 1968 Orville Schell promoviert in Chinese History am Department of History der University of California, Berkeley.
  • Document: Schell, Orville (Sche, Publication)
8 1968-1971 Orville Schell ist Vizedirektor des The Bay Area Institute.
  • Document: Schell, Orville (Sche, Publication)
9 1969-1971 Orville Schell ist Mitbegründer und Herausgeber des Pacific News Service.
  • Document: Schell, Orville (Sche, Publication)
10 1975-1985 Orville Schell ist Berichterstatter für China des New Yorker magazine.
  • Document: Schell, Orville (Sche, Publication)
11 1984 Orville Schell ist Co-Produzent des Filmes A Chinese affair.
  • Document: Schell, Orville (Sche, Publication)
12 1984- Orville Schell ist Mitglied des National Committee on U.S.-China Relations.
  • Document: Schell, Orville (Sche, Publication)
13 1986 Orville Schell ist Research Associate am Center for Chinese Studies der University of California, Berkeley.
  • Document: Schell, Orville (Sche, Publication)
14 1987 Orville Schell ist Visiting Distinguished Professor an der Chico State University.
  • Document: Schell, Orville (Sche, Publication)
15 1988-1989 Orville Schell ist Präsident des China Symposium '89.
  • Document: Schell, Orville (Sche, Publication)
16 1989- Orville Schell ist Vize-Vorsitzender und Mitglied des Executive Committee von Human Rights Watch/Asia.
  • Document: Schell, Orville (Sche, Publication)
17 1990 Orville Schell ist Regents' Lecturer der Graduate School of Journalism der University of California, Berkeley.
  • Document: Schell, Orville (Sche, Publication)
18 1990- Orville Schell ist Board Member der Yale-China Association.
  • Document: Schell, Orville (Sche, Publication)
19 1992- Orville Schell ist Mitglied des Council on Foreign Relations und des Pacific Council.
  • Document: Schell, Orville (Sche, Publication)
20 1995 Orville Schell ist Senior Fellow des Freedom Forum Media Studies Center und Fellow des East Asian Institute der Columbia University.
  • Document: Schell, Orville (Sche, Publication)
21 1995-1997 Orville Schell ist Moderator of Voice of America's program Issues and perspectives on China.
  • Document: Schell, Orville (Sche, Publication)
22 1996-2006 Orville Schell ist Dekan der Graduate School of Journalism der University of California, Berkeley.
  • Document: Schell, Orville (Sche, Publication)
23 1996 Orville Schell ist Produzent des Dokumentarfilmes Gate of heavenly peace.
  • Document: Schell, Orville (Sche, Publication)
24 1999- Orville Schell ist Board Member des World Affairs Council of San Francisco.
  • Document: Schell, Orville (Sche, Publication)
25 2000- Orville Schell ist Herausgeber des Project Syndicate China.
  • Document: Schell, Orville (Sche, Publication)
26 2001- Orville Schell ist Board Member des The Social Science Research Council.
  • Document: Schell, Orville (Sche, Publication)

Bibliography (10)

# Year Bibliographical Data Type / Abbreviation Linked Data
1 1964 Schell, Orville. Wang Ching-wei : aspects of his thought and life leading to his final break with Chiang Kai-shek. (Cambridge, Mass. : Harvard University, 1964). Diss. Harvard Univ., 1964. Publication / SchO11
2 1967-1974 The China reader. Ed., annotated, and with introd. by Franz Schurmann, Orville Schell [et al.]. Vol. 1-4. (New York, N.Y. : Random House, 1967-1974). Vol. 1 : Imperial China : the decline of the last dynasty and the origins of modern China : the 18th and 19th centuries. Vol. 2 : Republican China : nationalism, war, and the rise of communism : 1911-1949. Vol. 3 : Communist China : revolutionary reconstruction and international confrontation : 1949 to the present. Vol. 4 : People's China : social experimentation, politics, entry onto the world scence : 1966 through 1972. Publication / SchO3
3 1972 Schell, Orville ; Esherick, Joseph. Modern China : the story of a revolution. (New York, N.Y. : Knopf, 1972). Publication / Esh2
4 1972 Schell, Orville ; Esherick, Joseph. Modern China : the making of a new society, from 1839 to the present. (New York, N.Y. : Random House, 1972. (A Vintage sundial book : VS-1). Publication / SchO7
5 1977 Schell, Orville. In the People's republic : an American's first-hand view of living and working in China. (New York, N.Y. : Random House, 1977). Publication / SchO5
6 1981 Schell, Orville. "Watch out for the foreign guests" : China encounters the West. (New York, N.Y. : Pantheon Books, 1981). Publication / SchO10
7 1984 Schell, Orville. To get rich is glorious : China in the eighties. (New York, N.Y. : Random House, 1984). Publication / SchO8
8 1988 Schell, Orville. Discos and democracy : China in the throes of reform. (New York, N.Y. : Pantheon Books, 1988). Publication / SchO4
9 1994 Schell, Orville. Mandate of heaven : a new generation of entrepreneurs, dissidents, bohemians, and technocrats laws claim to China's future. (New York, N.Y. : Simon & Schuster, 1994). Publication / SchO6
10 2000 Schell, Orville. Virtual Tibet : searching for Shangri-la from the Himalayas to Hollywood. (New York, N.Y. : Henry Holt, 2000). Publication / SchO9