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Li, Peter S.

(Hong Kong 1947-) : Professor Department of Sociology


History : China - Canada

Bibliography (1)

# Year Bibliographical Data Type / Abbreviation Linked Data
1 2018 Li, Peter S. https://www.researchgate.net/scientific-contributions/80011236_Peter_S_Li.
in the Chinese Overseas Population, 1955 to 2007.
Chinese Canadians in busines.
Chinese immigrants on the Canadian prairie, 1910-47.
Earnings of Chinese immigrants in the enclave and mainstream economy.
Earnings Disparities Between Immigrants and Native-Born Canadians.
Publication Preview
A historical approach to ethnic stratification: the case of the Chinese in Canada, 1858–1930.
Immigrant enclave thesis reconsidered : case of Chinese immigrants in the enclave and mainstream economy in Canada.
Immigration from China to Canada in the sge of globalization : issues of Brain Gain and Brain Loss.
Immigrants from China to Canada: Issues of Supply and Demand of Human Capital.
Integration of minority migrant workers in Lanzhou, China.
The making of new Chinese immigrants in Canada.
Occupational achievement and kinship assistance among Chinese immigrants in Chicago.
Postgraduate rducational sspirations and policy implications : s case study of university students in western China-
Profile of Small Businesses Among Chinese in Vancouver-
The rise and fall of Chinese immigration to Canada : newcomers from Hong Kong and mainland China, 1980-2000.
Vancouver Chinatown in transition.
University-educated immigrants from China to Canada : rising number and discounted value.
Publication / ChiCan15