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Victoria, Queen

(London 1819-1901 Isle of Wight) : Königin von Grossbritannien und Irland seit 1837, Kaiserin von Indien seit 1876


History : Occident : Europe : England / Great Britain / Index of Names : Occident

Chronology Entries (1)

# Year Text Linked Data
1 1849 Queen Victoria's journal ; 10th June 1849.
Sie schreibt über den Chinese Luncheon Room, Buckingham Palace :
"We breakfasted as we already dined last night, in the new room that has been made for us, a fine large lunchroom, very handsomely fitted up with furniture &c., from the Pavilion at Brighton, including the Chinese pictures [by Robert Jones], which were on the Dining-room walls there, the doors with the serpents &c. which had belonged to that room. A dragon has been painted on the ceiling to harmonise with the rest. The small sitting room is also furnished with things from the Pavilion."
  • Document: Maxwell, Christopher. Chinoiserie at Buckingham Palace in the nineteenth century. In : The Burlington magazine ; June (2007). (Max1, Publication)
  • Person: Jones, Robert