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Child, Thomas

(Madeley, Shropshire 1841-1898) : Photograph, Ingenieur


Art : Photography / History : China - Europe : England / Index of Names : Occident / Traffic, Technology and Crafts

Chronology Entries (1)

# Year Text Linked Data
1 1870-1889 Thomas Child arbeitet als Gas Ingenieur für die Imperial Chinese Maritime Customs in Beijing. Er reist und photographiert in Beijing, zum Yuanmingyuan, der grossen Mauer und den Ming Gräbern.
  • Document: Thiriez, Régine. Barbarian lens : Western photographers of the Qianlong Emperor's European palaces. (Amsterdam : Gordon & Breach, 1994).
    [Enthält] :
    I Photography, Beijing and European Palaces 1 -- 1. Early Photography in Beijing, 1860-1873 3 -- 2. Foreigners in Beijing, 1860-1925 17 -- 3. Practicing Photography in China, 1860-1925 27 -- 4. The European Palaces in the Photographers’ Time 35 -- 5. The European Palaces in the Eighteenth Century 49 -- 6. The Rape of the Summer Palace and Its Aftermath 55 -- II Photographers of the European Palaces 67 -- The Maritime Customs Men in the 1870s -- 7. The Imperial Chinese Maritime Customs 69 -- 8. Thomas Child -- The Photographer of Old Beijing 75 -- 9. Ernst Ohlmer -- Sailor, Photographer, Customs Officer and Porcelain Collector 85 -- 10. Theophile Piry -- Forty-Five Years in China Through a Camera Lens 93 -- From the Boxer Rebellion to the Warlords -- 11. Alfons Freiherr Mumm von Schwarzenstein -- A German Envoy in 1901 China 103 -- 12. From the 1911 Revolution to the Warlords 107 -- The Individuals 107 -- The Group of Photographs 114 -- Appendix 3 The European Palaces of the Yuanmingyuan: Research and Photography 129 -- Appendix 4 Paul Champion 135. (Thir1, Publication)