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“Novus atlas absolutissimus : das ist generale Welt-Beschreibung, mit allerley schonen und neuen Land-Carten gezieret” (Publication, 1647-1662)




Jansson, Jan ; Blaeu, Joan. Novus atlas absolutissimus : das ist generale Welt-Beschreibung, mit allerley schonen und neuen Land-Carten gezieret. Vol. 1-11. (Amstelodami : Apud Ioennem Ianssonium, 1647-1662). Vol. 11 : China. [Enthält] : Loon, Johannes van. Imperii Sinarum nova descriptio. (JanJ1)



Contributors (3)

Blaeu, Joan  (Amsterdam 1596-1673 Amsterdam) : Kartograph, Drucker, Sohn von Willem Janszoon Blaeu

Jansson, Jan  (1588-1664) : Kartograph

Loon, Johannes van  (ca. 1611-1686) : Graveur


Geography and Geology

Cited by (1)

# Year Bibliographical Data Type / Abbreviation Linked Data
1 National Library of Australia
Organisation / NLA
  • Source: Mercator, Gerard. Atlas sive cosmographicae meditationes de fabrica mundi et fabricati figura. (Dvisbvrgi : Clivorvm, 1585-1595). [Enthält] : Asia ex magna orbis terre descriptione Gerardi Mercatoris desumpta studio et industria G.M. lunioris und Mercator, Gerhard ; Hondius, Jodocus. Asiae nova descriptio. [Enthält eine Asienkarte mit China]. (MerG1, Publication)
  • Source: Martini, Martino. Atlas nuevo de la Extrema Asia : o descripcion geographica del imperio de los Chinas. Por el R.P. Martino Marinio de la Compañia de Iesu. (Amsterdam : En costa y en casa de J. van Blaeu, 1659). (MarM1, Publication)
  • Source: Blaeu, Joan. Tartaria sive magni chami imperium. (Amstelodami : Labore & Sumptibus, Ioannis Blaeu, 1662). [Die Karte enthält den süd-westlichen Teil von China mit der grossen Mauer]. (Blae2, Publication)
  • Source: Wit, Frederik de. Tabula Tartariae et majoris partis regni Chinae. Edita a F. de Wit. (Amsterdam : Frederik de Wit, 1666). (WitF2, Publication)
  • Source: Colom, Jacob Aertsz. Zuyd-Zee t'Amsterdam. By Iacob Colom op't water. (Amsterdam : Colonna Ardente, 1669). [Enthält Gebiete von China]. (ColJ1, Publication)
  • Source: Montanus, Arnoldus. Atlas chinensis, being a second part of A relation of remerkable passages in two embassies from the East-India Company of the United provinces, to the vice-roy Singlamong and general Taising Lipvi and to Konchi, emperor of China and East-Tartary : with a relation of the Netherlanders assisting the Tartar against Coxinga and the Chinese fleet, who till then were masters of the sea : and a more exact geographical description than formerly both of the whole empire of China in general and in particular of every of the fifteen provinces. Collected out of their several writings and journals by Arnoldus Montanus. English'd and adorn'd with above a hundred several sculptures by John Ogilby. (London : Printed by Tho. Johnson for the author, 1671). [Coxinga].
    . [National Library of Australia]. (Mont1, Publication)
  • Source: Moxon, Joseph. A brief discourse of a passage by the North-Pole to Japan, China, &c. : Pleaded by three experiments ; and answers to all objections that can be urged against a passage that way. As 1. By a navigation from Amsterdam into the North-Pole, and two degrees beyond it. 2. By a navigation from Japan towards the North-Pole. 3. By an experiment made by the Czar of Muscovy, whereby it appears, that to the northwards of Nova Zembla is a free and open sea as far as Japan, China, &c. With a map of all the discovered lands neerest to the Pole. By Joseph Moxon, hydrographer to the King's most Excellent Majesty. (London : Printed for Joseph Moxon, 1674).
    Joseph. Ein kurtzer Discours von der Schiff-Fahrt bey dem Nord-Pol nach Japan, China, und soweiter : durch drey Erfahrunge dargethan und erwiesen : nebenst Beantwortungen aller Einwurffe, welche wieder die Fahrt auff diesen Weg konnen eingewendet wordern. (Hamburg : J. Nauman und G. Wolff, 1676).
    . (Mox1, Publication)
  • Source: Asia divided into its principall regions in which may be seen the extent of the empires, monarchies, kingdoms and states which at present divide Asia. Described by [Nicolas] Sanson ; corrected and amended by William Berry. (BerrW1, Publication)
  • Source: Wit, Frederik de. Atlas sive descriptio terrarum orbis com indicibus alphabeticis. (Amsterdam : Frederik de Wit, ca. 1688). [Enthält] : Accuratissima totius Asiae tabula : in omnes partes divisa, de nova correcta, ac in lucem edita. Per Fredericum de Witt Amstelodami com privilegio D.D. ordinum Hollandiae Westristacqs ; f. de Wit excudit. [Enthält China]. (VitF1, Publication)
  • Source: Visscher, Nicolaes. Atlas minor sive geographia compendiosa, qua orbis terrarum per paucas attamen novssimas tabulas ostenditur. (Amstelaedami : Ex officina N. Visscher, ca. 1690). [Enthält] : Asiae nova delineatio. Auctore N. Visscher [mit China]. (Vis1, Publication)
  • Source: Sanson, Nicolas. L'Asie divisée en ses principales regions, et ou se peut voir l'estendue des empires, monarchies, royaumes et estats qui partagent présentement l'Asie : recueilli de divers memoires et sur les relations les plo. nouvelles. Par le Sr. Sanson, geographe ordinaire du Roy. (Paris : Hubert Iaillot, 1696). [Enthält eine Asienkarte mit China]. (SanN1, Publication)
  • Source: Overton, John. A new plaine and exact map of Asia. Described by N.I. Vischer and rendered into English with habits of the countries and manner of the chiefe cities. (London : Henry Overton, 1707). [Darin enthalten ist eine Asienkarte mit China]. (Ove1, Publication)
  • Source: Moll, Herman. Atlas geographus, or, A compleat system of geography, ancient and modern ; illustrated with about 100 new maps, done from the latest observations. By Herman Moll, geographer ; and many other cuts, by the best artists. (London : Printed by Nutt, and sold by B. Barker and C. King, 1711-1717). [Enthält] : China according to the newest and most exact observations. By Herman Moll geographer. (MolH1, Publication)
  • Source: Senex, John. A new map of India & China from the latest observations. By I. Senex. (London : D. Browne, 1721). (Sen1, Publication)
  • Source: L'Isle, Guillaume de. Atlas nouveau, contenant toutes les parties du monde, ou sont exactement remarquées les empires, monarchies, royaumes, estats, républiques. (Amsterdam : J. Covens & C. Mortier, 1730). [Enthält] : Carte des Indes et de la Chine. Dressée sur plusieurs relations particulieres rectifiées par quelques observations par Guillaume de l'Îsle de l'Académie royale des ciences. (Isl1, Publication)
  • Source: Seutter, Matthaeus. Asia com omnibus imperiis provinciis statibus et insulis iuxta observationes recentissimas et accuratissimas. Correcta et adornata per Mattaeum Seutter, Sac. Caes. Maj. Geographum Aug. Vind. (Augsburg ; Wien : Matthäeus Seutter, 1730). [Enthält eine Asienkarte mit China]. (Seu1, Publication)
  • Source: Anville, Jean Baptiste Bourguignon d'. Carte la plus générale et qui comprend la Chine, la Tartarie chinoise, et le Thibet. Dressée sur les cartes particulières des RR PP jésuites, par le Sr. d'Anville, géographe ordre du roi, qui y a joint le pays compris entre Kashgar et la mer Caspienne tiré des géographes et des historiens orientaux, 1734. (La Haye : Chez Henri Sheurleer, 1737).
    http://gallica.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/btv1b53083428n.r=. (Anv1, Publication)
  • Source: Ottens, Reinier ; Ottens, Josua. Orientaliora Indiarum Orientalium com insulis adjacentibus a promontorio C. Comorin ad Iapan = Pascaert van t'Ooster gedeelte van Oost Indien van C. Comorin tot Iapan. (Amsterdam : Gedr. by R. & I. Ottens, 1745). [Darin enthalten ist eine Asienkarte mit China]. (Ott1, Publication)
  • Source: Bellin, Jacques Nicolas. Le petit atlas maritime. (Paris : Bellin, 1764). [Enthält] : Plan de la ville et du port de Macao. Par N.B., ingr. de la Marine. (BelJ1, Publication)
  • Source: Janvier, Robert. L'Asie divisée en ses principaux etats. Par le Sr. Janvier, geographe. (Paris : Lattrée & Delalain, 1771-1783). [Darin enthalten ist eine Asienkarte mit China]. (Jan1, Publication)
  • Source: Bonne, Rigobert. Carte de la Tartarie chinoise : projettée et assujeltie aux observations astronomiques. Par M. Bonne, M. de Mathématiques. (Paris : Lattré & Delalain, 1776). (BonR1, Publication)
  • Source: Bonne, Rigobert. L'empire de la Chine ; d'après l'atlas chinois, avec les isles du Japon. Par M. Bonne, membre de la Société litteraire militre, ingenieur géogrpahie &c. (Paris : Lattré & Delalain, 1776). (BonR2, Publication)
  • Source: Bowles, Carington. Bowles's new one-sheet map of Asia, divided into the empires, kingdoms, states, and other subdivisions : laid down from observations of the most celebrated geographers. (London : For Bowles & Carver, 1794-1798). (Bow1, Publication)
  • Source: Kitchin, Thomas. A new universal atlas exhibiting all the empires, kingdoms, states, republics, &c. &c. in the whole world. (London : R. Laurie & J. Whittle, 1795). [Enthält] : A general map of the East Indies and that part of Chinea where the Europeans have any settlements or commonly any trade. By T. Kitchin, geogr. (KitT1, Publication)
  • Source: Laurie, Robert ; Whittle, James. A new and elegant imperial sheet atlas ... of the world. (London : Printed and published by Robert Laurie and James Whittle, 1798). [Enthält] : Asie with its islands and different regions : according to their modern divisions ; also the discoveries made by Capt. Cook [mit China]. (Lau1, Publication)
  • Source: Cary, John. A new map of China, from the latest authorities. By John Cary, engraver. (London : Published by J. Cary, engraver & map seller, 1808). (CarJ1, Publication)
  • Source: Smith, Charles. New general atlas, containing distinct maps of all the principal empires, kingdoms and states throughout the world. (London : Charles Smith, 1808). [Enthält eine Asienkarte mit China]. (Smi1, Publication)
  • Source: Pinkerton, John. Modern atlas : from the latest and best authorities : exhibiting the various divisions of the world, with its chief empires, kingdoms, and states in sixty maps. (Philadelphia : T. Dobson & Son, 1818). [Enthält] : China. Drawn under the direction of Mr Pinkerton by L. Hebert, Neele, sculpt. (Pin1, Publication)
  • Source: Arrowsmith, John. Asia. J. Arrowsmith, hydrographer to H.R.H. the Prince of Wales ; Engraved by George Allen. (London : Arrowsmtih, ca. 1822). (Arr1, Publication)
  • Source: Brué, Adrien Hubert. Carte générale de l'Asie. Pars A.H. Brué, géographe de S.A.R. Monsieur ; gravée sous la direction de l'auteur. (Paris : Chez l'auteur, 1830-1832). (Brué1, Publication)
  • Source: Lizars, Daniel. China. (Edinburg : D. Lizars, ca. 1831). [Karte]. (LizD1, Publication)
  • Source: Arrowsmith, John. China. (London : J. Arrowsmith, 1840). [Karte mit Angaben über die Reiseroute von George Macartney und William Pitt Amherst]. (Arr2, Publication)
  • Source: Levasseur, Victor. Atlas national illustré. (Paris : A. Combette, 1847). [Enthält]. Levasseur, Victor. Asie : géographie et statistique. Par V. Levasseur, ingénieur geographe ; gravé par [Auguste Frédéric] Laguillermie ; illustré par Raimond Bonheur, peintre. [Darin enthalten ist eine Asienkarte mit China]. (LevV1, Publication)
  • Source: Philip, George. Philips' imperial general atlas. (London : Philip & Son, 1856). [Enthält] : China. (Liverpool : Published by George Philip & Son, 1852). (Phi1, Publication)
  • Source: Brué, Adrien Hubert. Carte générale de l'empire chinois et du Japon. (Paris : Chez l'auteur, 1865). (Brué2, Publication)
  • Source: Ham, Thomas. Map shewing position of Queensland to the Australian colonies, India, China &c. &c. with existing & proposed telegraphic & steam routes from Great Britain, India &c. &c. to Australia 1866. Engraved for the Queensland Govt. by Thos. Ham & Co. (Brisbane : Printed and published at the Government Printing Office by W.C. Belbridge, Government printer, 1865). (Ham1, Publication)