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“Western origin of the early Chinese civilisation from 2.300 B.C. to 200 A.D., or, chapters on the elements derived from the elements derived from the old civilisations of west Asia in the formation of the ancient Chinese culture” (Publication, 1894)




Terrien de Lacouperie. Western origin of the early Chinese civilisation from 2.300 B.C. to 200 A.D., or, chapters on the elements derived from the elements derived from the old civilisations of west Asia in the formation of the ancient Chinese culture. (London : Asher & Co., 1894).
https://archive.org/details/westernoriginofe00terrrich. (Terr2)



Contributors (1)

Terrien de Lacouperie, Albert  (Ingouville, Le Havre) 1845-1894 Fulham) : Linguist, Professor for Indo-Chinese Philology, University College London


History : China / Periods : China : Pre-Han Times (-206 v.Chr.) / Sinology and Asian Studies : Europe : Great Britain