# | Year | Text | Linked Data |
1 | 1979 | Rey Chow erhält den B.A. in English and Comparative Literature der University of Hong Kong. |
2 | 1982 | Rey Chow erhält den M.A. in Modern Thought and Literature der Stanford University. |
3 | 1986 | Rey Chow promoviert in Modern Thought and Literature an der Stanford University. |
4 | 1986-1987 | Rey Chow ist Postdoctoral Fellow am Pembroke Center for Research and Teaching on Women an der Brown University, Providence R.I. |
5 | 1987-1991 | Rey Chow ist Assistant Professor of Comparative Literature an der University of Minnesota, Minn. |
6 | 1991-1992 | Rey Chow ist Associate Professor of Comparative Literature an der University of Minnesota, Minn. |
7 | 1992-1999 | Rey Chow ist Associate Professor of English and Comparative Literature an der University of California, Irvine. |
8 | 1993- | Rey Chow, Harry Harootunian und Masao Miyoshi sind Herausgeber der Serie Asia Pacific : culture, politics, society der Duke University Press. | |
9 | 1995-1996 | Rey Chow ist William Allan Neilson Visiting Professor of Comparative Literature am Smith College, Northampton, Mass. |
10 | 1996- | Rey Chow ist Mitglied des Editorial Board von Comparative literature. |
11 | 1996- | Rey Chow ist Mitglied des Editorial Board von Diaspora : a journal of transnational studies. |
12 | 1996- | Rey Chow ist Mitglied des Advisory Board der Serie Comparative literature and cultural studies (Taiwan). |
13 | 1997 | Rey Chow ist S.W. Brooks Visiting Fellow am Department of English der University of Queenland, Brisbane, Australien. |
14 | 1997- | Rey Chow ist Mitglied des Editorial Board des Journal of modern literature in Chinese. |
15 | 2000- | Rey Chow ist Andrew W. Mellon Professor of the Humanities, Professor of Modern Culture and Media, Comparative Literature and English am Department of English der Brown University, Providence RI. |
16 | 2004-2005 | Rey Chow ist Chesler-Mallow Senior Faculty Research Fellow und Director of postdoctoral seminar The orders of time am Pembroke Center der Brown University, Rhode Island. |
17 | 2006 | Rey Chow ist Mitglied des Advisory Board des Journal of Chinese cinemas. |