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“I fumetti di Mao” (Publication, 1971)




Eco, Umberto. I fumetti di Mao. (Bari : Laterza & Figli, 1971). = Eco, Umberto. Das Mädchen aus der Volkskommune : chinesische Comics. Mit einer Einl. von Gino Nebiolo ; und Kommentaren von Jean Chesneaux und Umberto Eco ; Deutsch von Arno Widmann. (Reinbek bei Hamburg : Rowohlt, 1972). (Das neue Buch ; 2). = Eco, Umberto. The people's comic book : red women's detachment, Hot on the trail and other Chinese comics. Transl. from the Chinese by Endymion Wilkinson ; introd. by Gino Nebiolo ; transl. by Frances Frenaye. (Garden City, N.Y. : Anchor Press, 1973). (Eco1)



Contributors (3)

Chesneaux, Jean  (1922-2007 Paris) : Sinologe, Historiker, Directeur d'études Ecole des hautes études en sciences sociales, Professor Histoire Université Paris VII

Eco, Umberto  (Alessandria, Piemont 1932-) : Schriftsteller, Philosoph

Wilkinson, Endymion  (Lewes, Sussex 1941-) : Diplomat ; Associate in Research, Fairbank Center, Harvard University ; Senior Fellow, Asia Center, Harvard University ; Professor Beijing-Universität


Literature : Occident : Italy : Prose / Sinology and Asian Studies : Europe : Great Britain / Sinology and Asian Studies : United States of America