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Chronology Entries

# Year Text
1 1920.04.04
Letter from Lucy Dewey to Dewey family
Sunday, April 5, [4] 1920
Dear Family
Dad has left and life is somewhat settled down again, tho we still manage to keep fairly busy. He went on Friday and Mrs Ting then came and took us all off for an automobile ride thru the Western Hills. We went to the Summer Palace first and then had a picninc lunch and rode awhile It was wonderful day and the country is lovely now. The fruit trees are all in bloom and the magnolias most out, and everything getting green. The palace seemed even finer then it did last summer when we went out.
Thursday night Dad gave a farewell dinner to Chancellor Tsai and other of the Peking dignitaries and we had a very nice party. We all played Chinese gambling games and it was quite hilarious. Yesterday there was howling dust storm again tho not so bad as some Ive seen. It did very well, however and by three oclock the sun was fairly well dimmed and the sky quite a bright yellow. Last night we went out to dinner, to Mrs Chens and had a wonderful Chinese meal. They have about the best cook in Pekin that we know of. After dinner some people came in and we danced until fairly late. The dust had stopped by the time we came home and it was a wonderful moonlight night and today is a perfect day again.
We are planning to do some milder kinds of batting now. Go for a couple of days to some temple in the Western Hills, take Evelyn to the Great Wall, and other nice outdoor trips like that. We are planning to go south about the twentieth and after that our plans depend on what Dad hears from Columbia.
Evelyn and I are coming home anyway and I think we shall stick to the original plan of sailing from Yokohama on the twentieth of Aug. We are considering going south from Shanghai just by ourselves and taking the boat at Hongkong but we havent found out much about that yet. I think we should have just about time enough for it by leaving Shanghai on the first of July or soon after. It doesnt cost much more to go to Hongkong than it does to come back to Pekin and we may be able to work it that way. Mamma rather wants us to postpone our sailing and come back to Peking and up to Kalgan with her but that is pretty expensive and would probably mean that we shouldnt get home much before November and it seems more sensible to get home early in the fall if we are coming at all…
2 1920.04.04-06
John Dewey : Lectures 'Experimental logic' at Nanjing Teachers College. = Shi yan lun li xue. Liu Boming interpreter ; Xia Chengfeng, Cao Chu, Liu Boming, Shen Zhensheng recorder. In : Xue deng ; April 19, 22, 25 ; May 21, 29 ; June 2, 9, 10, 11, 19 (1920).
1. Logic, its nature and its importance.
2. The origins of thought.
3. The five steps of the thinking process.
4. Natural thought and scientific thinking.
5. The deficiencies of natural thought.
6. Deficiencies of natural thought attributable to social psychology.
7. Logic as a control of thinking.
8. Steps in logical thinking.
9. Facts and hypotheses.
10. The meaning of facts.
11. Abstraction and generalization.
12. General principles as description.
13. Verification.
14. Facts and meaning.
15. Judgment.
16. Types of Judgment.
17. Measurement.
18. Experimental logic : a summary.
Berry Keenan : In his lectures series on 'Experimental logic', Dewey continued his discussion of the pragmatic re-evaluation of knowledge and human thinking. He discussed the five stages of thought, based on the model of the experimental method of thinking he had formulated in 1910. These stages explain what a simple mechanism human thought is.
3 1920.04.05
Letter from John Dewey to Dewey family
Nanking, Care Higher Normal College, April 5 '20
Dearest family,
On my way here—I arrived yesterday afternoon—I had the nearest approach to an adventure that I have had in China. It began with riding in a wheelbarrow from the station in Tai-an to a Chinese hotel in the village. It was after ten and the clouds were chasing the full moon, and the mountains shone thru the mists. A Chinese wheel barrow is built around a big wheel at the centre and its squeak, and its made to carry a ton and never wear out. There are two theories about the squeak which is more like a symphony minus the music than an ordinary creaking vehicle. One is that the coolies wish to save the expense of oil. The other is that the noise is a sign of good luck. Probably both theories are true, certainly the second is, if the first is. The hotel is less than a mile and the mud was soon so deep and the road so rough we had to get out and walk. But the proprities had been saved. The town magistrate had been telegraphed to of our arrival, and he had deputed the president of the middle school to await us. We might have slept in the clean German built station but we hadnt brought our roll of bed clothes with us. We hadnt expected to stop when we left Peking but Dr Tao, the Dean of this school, who was bringing me down, met Mr Lu an inspector of the ministry of education on the train who was coming to Tsinan—where we were Christmas time—and arranged the stop to go ou up Tai-sgan the sacred mt of Shantung. The hotel—there is no use putting quotation marks around as they it wouldnt mean anything to you—is built like all Chinese house level with the ground, and our rooms had dirt floors. It had been raining for several days; each room had one small window with paper panes, and the room was decorated with gilt and silvern paper bullion, which the pilgrims take up the mt and burn for sacrifice. Chinese beds are made by taking two saw horses and stretching boards across them. Fortunately mine had kooliang stalks, tall milmillet, a kind of cross between rushes, corn stalks and bamboo, and they put a fur rug over, so by turning over every five minutes I got some sleep. It must be said things were fairly clean. Mr Lu remarked that it was too early in the season for bedbugs, which would seem to disprove the theory of adaptation to environment as March is the season for pilgrims—or perhaps the pilgrims started the adaptation this time. What was a hotel in back was a food shop in front, and so our food was brought from one of the stands such as Ive seen hundreds of—mainly a kind of scrambled eggs, and noodle soups—palatable enough except that the garlic with which it is flavored while innocent enough at first soon takes root and becomes a great tree wherein the birds of the air may roost. Anyway two of the ambitions of my life had been safely realized, to ride in a wheel-barrow and go to a Chinese hotel. About eight next morning the middle school president (who touches his spectacles when he bows to you much as we would our hats) came around with the men & chairs for the ascent. Two coolies to each chair, and one spare man for a change. Leather straps so that each carries over his shoulders fastened to the long handles—one man ahead and one behind on good ground, sideways going up the steps, when they shaift the strap by a kind of hitch without slowing their pace from one shoulder to another; at the level between flights of steps they suddenyl whirl about sides so as to change strap from one shoulder to another. The chairs have no bottom except some loose roping over which a rug is thrown, so the seat is very comfortable. Until you have tried it you wouldnt believe oyou could be carried up steps with so little feeling of motion. Shut your eyes and you can hardly tell when you are going up or down one. And the coolies are more surefooted than mules—whic[h] they need to be, if you recal any pictures of the steps. In four years there have been two accidents, neither fatal and both on rainy days—which is no day to go up. It seems there was an artcile in the geog magazine some years ago on Taishan which gives particulars better than I can, but for the benefit of the statisticians Fred and Sabino. Ill say that the mountain is over 5000 feet high, straight up from the almost sea level plain, and there are 6600 stone steps—also the mountain is very steep, as geographically this country isnt very old. Toward the end it is almost all steps, and the view from below looking up to a red gate at the top of the gorge is a sight for a life time. In the lower reaches there are cedars along the path and above wonderful pines, some of them like the queer pines in Japan; monasteries at the top where we got our lunch, a Taoist monastery this was not Buddhist, so we had meat. We are were six hours going up, and three down, of course we walked more or less going up. We started in a fog and not much prospect of a view, but as the day wore along wethe wind came up and by the top we were at the top it was clear but with a soft mist effect over everything. To the east it was mts to the sea—which we couldnt see. Something like the Arizona mts in form, tho without the brilliant colorings, then in the other directions the spread out plains. Hundreds of tablets cut in the rocks all the way up, and at the top—generally "poems"—such as Hear the running water, or the waterfall; or The color of the sky and the sound of water; or Hear the whistling of the pines; Or we are coming to the better places, with a great many references to the sky or heaven. Its easy enough of course to see why mountains became sacred but the steepness must accentuate the feeling that you are going the mountain is going up to meet heaven. Nobody knows when the road and steps were built, the steps all dressed stone, altho there is a Chinese history in twelve volumes of the mountain. Coming down we left the road and wnt off to some Buddisht scriptures engraved on flat rocks over 1500 years ago, each character about a foot by a foot and a half. Unfortunately the water comes down there sometimes, and a good deal of the original has been carried off. Near the top is very big insciption of the one of Han Emperors, engraved on a cliff, two thousand years ago. It is impossible to convey any sense of the feeling the Chinese have for characters. Even a greenhorn can see the new ones fall far below the old, they are stiffer and more mechanical The educated Chinese go up to see these characters as we would go to a fine picture gallery. The rush hour of the pilgrim season is over, but we must have seen a thousand or two, mostly peasant people, and many many old women. The pilgrims acquire merit by walking—the poor women with their bound feet stumping up and down these thousand of steps—they sleep at the top, or along the way. Mr Tao counted the beggars—there were 186, not so many as earlier. They are much less professional than the Peking beggars; they cut out the whine about Great master, and confine themselves to Spare one, or Open up and distribute. Many are farmers who have made a few yards of terraced dirt among the rocks, and many lived in caves and straw houts along the road side. Most had hens too. They scrooch in the middle of the road, or leave their baskets there while they go off, and the coolies calmly carry the chair right over them. They had only cash in their baskets, one tenth of a copper, so the pilgrims can acquire merit without great expense. To add a few more statistics. The magistrate having engaged the chair bearers at our expense, they had been hired at the official price—one hundred coppers, about 75 cents for a chair, three men. We gae them money for their food and tips so they got at least a dollar apeice. But think of carrying a man up and down a mountain, six miles at least each way, for a dollar—or officially for 25 cents. They were are as imperturbably cheerful when we got back as when we started, and made their one leg courtesies most gracefully when they got their cumshaws.
On arriving at Nanking we cross the Yangste on a ferry. When we got off there were several score hackmen yelling and crowding with no attempt at order. Mr Tao engaged one, and then another one spied me, an old pirate who drove mama and me around when we here a year ago. We were his plunder and he seized the baggage and put us in his carriage, the other man cursing at top of the voice. We had to stop sooon to get my trunk which had come on a day before. The the man who had lost the job rushed up like a wildman and attacked our villain. He put his head down and rushed to butt him; our man dodged and he scraped his head on a brick wall, and soon as they clinched the gore thereform gave both of them a bluggy look. Finally therey were separated, after howling and cursing all the time, neither really the worse for wear, and we drove off leaving them to act it all over out before a policeman, who hasd a maternal and detached air as he listented to them. The other man on our carriage drove off not even having his seat or spoken to his companion all during the row or its sequel. Why worry?
Its astonishing what a difference your own feelings due to the temperature make in the look of a place. Last May it was as hot as hell here, and the town didnt look for thirty cents. Now it is cool and you can really see the lovely first green of the willows, and note that the town is full of them, and see may lovely things about the place. Its too warm for fires here, and too chilly to be warm, but still Im writing by an open window. Im satying almost next door to the Higher Normal compound with a Y M C A secy, a Mr Sweetman. They have two little kids, four and two, and are young and not very YMCAy. Its not their house but that of a missionary home on a forlough. He has been here 25 years and has a lovely compound, lots of trees, some big old ones, and across the street is the highest hill within the town walls which has been made thru foreign influence into a city park, planted with trees, mostly small yet, but a more attractive part of town thn where we were last year—or maybe its just the effect of temperature differences again. Today is Arbor day; everybody is supposed to plant a tree Mr Tao is quite disguseted because he says last year the coolies dug all the holes and all the students did was to stick a tree apiece in the ground when the coolie filled it up again.
Much love to everybody. While I was slumbering on my Chinese bed I dreamed there were three letters all addressed in Eliz writing. I woke up before I had a ch[a]nce to read them, but anyway Ill address this letter to her. The delayed Empress mail was just coming when I left Peking, so probably the three will be forwarded to me soon.
Love to verybody Dad.
4 1920.04.05?
Letter from Evelyn Dewey to Frederick A., Elizabeth Braley, Sabino, & Jane Dewey
[April 5, 1920?]
Dear Fred, Elizabeth, Bino and Jane,
I suppose you want to know what the state of plans are. Just before dad left for Nanking on Friday he cabled to Cloumbia for another leave of absence and he and mama seem to want to stay if that comes all right...
Quite a number of things have been going on lately on account of dads departure, Chancellor Tsai gave a dinner at the u, small with just his particular gang and very good food and dad gave a dinner for all the officials he knows and some of the profs at the u at a Chinese restaurant and Saturday we went to dinner with a very nice young Chinese couple and they had some people in to dance afterwards, about the most human party I have been to here, excepting when I go to see Lucys pet Chinese couple, but they never entretain. Friday after seeing dad off with most of the rest of China we went to the summer palace and the Western Hills, some place, the Western hills means the bottom sloap of a mountain range that goes around two sides ot Peking, there are no trees, but all sorts of other queer things.
Yesterday mama and I went shopping all day long like two crazy women, tho as usual the result in bulk was not not much, tho she did get a lovely rug with horses all over it and waves and trees, which she found about a month ago and has been bargaining for ever since, and we picked out an enourmous fur coat, which we are going to get some one to go and look at with us tomorrow, this one is good, the selection of furs here is very small, but this kind seems quite pretty and durable, then you have to get it made up and comes it the question of style, when they will surely ruin anything you get. The furit trees are all in bloom and the willows out, and the sun it very hot when it gets a chance, on the whole the weather is better than our spring, but there is the same uncomfortable alternation of hot and cold. The sunlight and general appearance of things is like Italy. Peking in a funny dive, life seems very dull and quiet in spite of having a good deal to do, I suppose it is because about 80% of the people we see do not interest us or us them. The regular social life is the dullest round of calling and calling and then calling again, and there is an awful lot of gossip and intrgue and the people are not worth it, I havent even seen anything that was gay yet, but then I havent done my duty, but spent my time batting around seeing things since I wasnt going to stay anyway. The few Chinese we know seem like much more real folks and it is easier to have easy relations with them.
At last I think we will get into a reception of the presendents, as Mr. Plimpton asked us to go to the Y.W.C.A. one on Wednesday, we were going to spend the day on a boat in the canal, alias sewer which flows thru these parts, but I would rather rubber at the pres, I think. Over the week end we are going to a temple in the Western hills, now owned by the Y.M.C.A, at least I trust we are, mama is not a bit anxious, but I guess we can bully her into going.
Had the best Chinese dinner, ever Saturday night, the food is simply lush, and I dont mind reaching to the middle of the table and helping myself with chop sticks to a bite at a time, its funny how undisgusting eating out of a common dish seems when everyone does it. You have a little saucer for a plate and if you dont eat all of each course you are lost for the night as you can never get more than a bite of anything that follows without mixing it up with the left overs you dont like. Fortunate there are a couple of courses that always come in clean bowls. All dishes are left on the table and of course using chop sticks and eating soup from the middle of a large table everything dribbles and the whole thing is one mess. You really dont have to eat the soup woth chop sticks ans spoons are supplied…
5 1920.04.09-06.29 (publ.)
John Dewey : Lectures 'The history of philosophy' at the Nanjing Teachers College. Liu Boming interpreter ; Zhe Fan, Tai Shuangqiu, Shao Yulin recorder. In : Chen bao fu kan ; April 9-June 29 (1920).
1. The origins of philosophy.
2. Early philosophical problems.
3. The search for a universal principle.
4. Being and becoming.
5. Facts and theories.
6. The sophists.
7. Skepticism and logic.
8. Socrates.
9. Socrates' postulates.
10. Socrates' logic.
11. The Platonic 'real'.
12. The Platonic 'idea'.
13. Plato's epistemology.
14. Plato's educational philosophy.
15. Plato's politics.
16. From Plato to Aristotle.
17. Aristitle's 'potentiality' and 'actuality'.
18. Aristotle's 'individual' and 'species'.
19. Aristotle and the modern world.
6 1920.04.10-16?
Letter from Evelyn Dewey to John Dewey
[April 10-16, 1920?]
Dear Dad,
Well I hope you are not as sorry as I am that the cable came. I see that the Nanking students have joined the strick, does that mean that you are having a vacation.
Mrs. Lamont came to call on ma the morning after she got here and has been to lunch to meet Suh Hu [Hu Shi] and has been shopping to look at Mrs. Chens silks, but on the whole seems to be tearing around like a chicken without a head, shopping mostly and getting everyone to bring out there things and look up things for her and then not buying anything, so certainly dont lift your finger about the head dress. She has a most unsympathetic personality and is absorbing everything that lies about.
Liu has been getting very impertinent and strange and mama has just fired him, also the ricksha boy who was spending most of his time in the kitchen, she has acquired a boy whose sole accomplishmnet is honesty who is coming immediately and Mrs. E. is looking about for a real person, I only hope the cook will stay and be good, but I suppose not. I am all for getting away from here and hope we will by the first, but no bites for the apartment have turned up yet and mama does not seem to enjoy sightseeing so she wants to stay on here. My cold continues to flourish which does not add to my pleasure here. Suh Hu [Hu Shi] told me the other day that he was probably going to teach in summer school in Nanking, if they have an educational department going there why dont I get a job there too, he says it lasts six weeks, will you please enquire a bit and find out what kind of school they have and if they would be much embarressed if I should ask for a job, I would lecture on new and exp[e]rimental practises in schools at home, and could make it last just about six weeks, then I would put off sailing for a couple of boats and we could all go to Mongolia for a nice trip the end of the summer. I would write direct to Mr. Tao but thot if the prop is utterly absurd I would save them the embarressment of answering. The cook says he must go too he would like to stay but would loose too much face, so there you are. Hu told mama the other day that it was their plan to have you stay a good part of the cold weather next year in Canton, which would be nice. I trust that I am going to get a translator at last from the customs college. We went to a very nice dinner at the Fus the other night very jolly and elaborate food. The men tried to prevent it but the ladies sat at one table and the men at another all except mama and Geogre Wen sat her down between Hu and Tsai. But after dinner the men walked into the room and broke up the ladies party, after which the Chinese speaking group repared in mixed form to the Fu bed room and sat about and roared and had a wonderful time, Miss Bodon-Smith allowed she had never seen anything like it before…
[Evelyn Dewey]
7 1920.04.11
Letter from John Dewey to Dewey family
Nanking April 11 [1920]
Dearest family,
Ive been here a week and am really seeing a spring in China more so than in Peking I imagine, as there is so muc country here, and I live in a large compound with palm and bamboo trees aomong other things, and near the open country, close to the city wall in fact. I never confided in you how fat I got got, 170 when I tried the scales last some months ago, have never strained them since, and having no ricksha boy here and much time alone and so near open country, I have resolved upon walking daily, climb the hill near the house once or twice daily, and walk on the wonderful wall, 40 feet wide and much higher than the Peking one. Also more variety in the scenery, ponds and marshes, and a nice island like a Chinese picture, green gardens, bamboos and willows, peach tress in bloom, blossoms twice as big as ours, graves being spruced up for the year with twigs stuck into them and little white and red streamers of paper flying, mountains on almost every side, a glipse of the Yangste from the top of the hill, and in general spring in full blast. They say it doesnt last generally more than ten days, gallopping straight into sfull blown summer. This year it seems to be hanging back as if loathe to part with itself. I dont blame it for being fonder of itself than of the summer we saw here last year. I have a nice big room with a corner alcove for the bed, and a good table, what is called home cooking more than before in China, and quite abundant tho not so stylish as some. The missionary who owns the place and is home on furlough must be a character. I wondered for a while if he were a bachelor, and then heard that he ran everything him self; the house is filled with big shining brasses, reminds you of Macy's except four or five bells, temple bells, Id like to take home, and the dining room is lined with a hundred or so blue and white plates, platters and vases, mostly very modern and on the principle of quantity before quality. However they said he had taken down and packed away all of his best pieces. On the bookshelves Mary J Holmes novels are next to The Second Coming of Chrsit, and the Wild Widow, by the author of Scarlet Kisses, is all mixed up with the hymn books; an Edith Wharton and H G Wells or two have somewhat got mixed in with the funniest collection of religious literature and paper covered trash you ever saw. There is a girls school, orphans, and a boys school, latter closed while he is gone, in the compound, both of which he maintains. He is a practical joker when he isnt missionarying, and one of his refined jovialities was to teach an ugly gate keeper, who had no idea of the meaning of any ChiEnglish words, to go up to callers and say Kiss Me. I suppose this is the way he keeps from going more insane. He wrote back with great glee of telling a tourist on the boat how Li Hung Chng2 [Hung-Chang] lived in the same town and once every year brought his fifty wives over to pay a ceremonial call; also he wrote how angry it made him when the ship landed to see white men tying it to the wharf—this latter wasnt intende[d] as a joke.
I am giving eight regular lectures per week, four evenings on the philosophy of education, two afternoons on Logic, and two afternoons on Greek philosophy. There are only an hour long, interpretation and all however, so its quite light work. Last week moreover there were two holidays, one Arbor Day which is the old spring festival and a ringer for Easter, and one to commemorate the opening of the first or old parliament. Im sorry I cant tell enough Chinese history and politics to show you the immense humor of this celebration, but its much as if they were to have a national holiday to celebrate Oliver Cromwell's purging of the English parliament. Last monday evening, I think they it was, they had a "reception". I had innocently forgotten the nature of a reception, and only when I got over there did I remember that school receptio[n] consists exclusively of speechmaking, one speech of welcome from the faculty and three from the students. They werent interpreted however, but I dont think any one repeated the witticism of a farewell speaker in Peking who said I had come to China to do to—or for—her what President Wilson did for France. Once there was much applause, and I was told it was becuase the speaker said that when the Japanese heard how warmly I was recd here they were jealous and sent me over a badge, which I refused. The myth seems well established, but a badge seems innocent enough. This sunday afternoon I spoke to all the Nanking students, theoretically all about fiften hundred in fact in the open air, delivering my w.k. [well-known] speech on a new conception of life. I am just as popular with the officials here as elsewhere, and was told that when the subject was printed in the paper, the word "new" was omitted, in order tnot to give offense. The word is positively inflammatory, which simplifies getting a hearing from an audience. The national executive committee of the students union has sent an ultimatum to the government, demanding that the Govt cancel at once all secret treaties with Japan, and also reject Japan's request for direct negotiations over Shantung. They have given the govt four days to do these stunts in, and have voted a nation wide strike if not granted. The Peking and Nanking students were both opposed to this action, but the majority carried it. It looks rather foolish, and I may be in for another enforced vacation, but as before remarked you never can tell. They, the radical students, were anxious to include two more demands one for dissolving the Anfu Club and another for a bas the militarists. These demands seem to have been reerved for the present. Well one enthusiastic foreigner who has been here twnety five years says that in China the Renaissance, the reformation, the English, French and American revolution are all taking place simultaneously and in the same country. If this is so, a little thing like a general strike is easily explainable. The same gentleman however is unpopular with his tudents becuase he insists on the faculty electing the student representatives to the selfgovernment Council so he takes his revolutions in moderation. There is a Young China Association with a branch hand here, and which publishes two journals, one called Young China and one the Young World. I have been trying to get somebody to tell me about the New Culture as they call it, and some of these people are going to make me up a kind of synopsis of the about a hundred periodicals, divided under three heads. The literary or language revolution, the new social ethics (labor and woman question) and education. This Teachers College is going to introduce coeducation, unlike progressive and liberal countries the men students are in favor of it here, mostly instead of opposing. When the committee was arranging the seating for the meeting to day, the student members insisted that the women should not be seated separately but mixed up with the others. They werent so damned mixed up as matter of fact, but they werent all herded in one spot either. I forgot to say that at the Recpetion one student made his welcoming speech in English. He got mixed up and forgot and the students laughed at him. To all appearances he kept up his nerve, but Im told he lost so much face he left school and hasnt been ^seen^ since, no one knows where he is. Its not pleasant that this should be the only visible, or perhaps invisible, result of my lectures. Lots of love to everybody and hope something will be forwarded from you soon Fred has been nobly doing his duty, but Sabino seems to have relapsed, and Jane never did get a fair start.
With love, Dad
8 1920.04.12
Letter from John Dewey to Alice Chipman, Evelyn, & Lucy Dewey
Monday, April 12 [1920]
Dear Alice, Evelyn and Lucy, …
There is another good sized room in theis house which they have offered for use when you come. This will be two in a room but I dont think it would be any better by dividing up. They have some single beds, which they will put up so mamma can have her own bed. The grounds are large and nice, and as there is a big two story piazza around the house I think it will be as cool as anywhere. No bathtub with running water, but I dont think there is anywhere except at the Bowens [Arthur J. Bowen]. Food is abundant and nourishing.
The program remains in statu quo, otherwise meaning vague. How ever this much is definite. They expect six weeks lectures from me here altogether; they have spoken of a week at Shnaghai which may come off barring strike this month. But the interesting trips arent planned till later. I dont suppose you will mourn missing Shanghai, especially as there will be plenty of chance later if you want. Anyway we maynt go this mont[h] I think they are somewhat embarrassed about the Yangste trip. Tw of the provinces, the Educations Associations bvoted to invite me, according to newspaper reports but they havent recd the official invitations, and I infer, think officials have interfered.
There is a good tennis court here. It would probably be a good idea for you to purchase a racket in Peking, as you will be glad of it here, probably wherever you are this summer. They say there is fair Chinese made racket can be bought for about five dollars, also bring a few balls. Lots of love and thanks for letters Shall hope to be able to write you definitely about plans here soon. Evelyn will find in the Sept or Oct no, No 4 of Young China a number of articles by women student[s] giving their ideas. I presume Suh Hu [Hu Shi] wont have got anybody for her unless shes had better luck than I did. Better ask George or Chiang [Monlin]when he gets back; I had thought of asking Mr [John Stewart] Burgess if he couldnt find some one, and that might be a good idea.
Love to all John
9 1920.04.14
Letter from John Dewey to Alice Chipman, Evelyn, & Lucy Dewey
Nanking, April 14 [1920]
Dear family,
Thanks especially to mamma for full and good letters. You probably know more about the strike than I do; it begins in Shanghai for one week today, here to morrow the students have no enthusiasm for it. There is certainly politics connected with it, more politics than there seemed to be in the Peking movement. The general opinion here is that it is the Shanghai students who are most back of it—that and the fact that having a general conference of delegates from all over, they had to find something to do. As to the politcs, so far as I can make out the student leaders think that they can use the 8 Tuchun leuague to help overthrow the present Anfu club domination—and I dont kno doubt the Tuchuns think they will use the students for their ends. The gossip is that the President [Hsu Shih-chang] is now in favor of the student movement. This sudden turn is said to be that due to the fact that the rivalry with Tuan [Chi-jui] has now reached a pointe where he wants popular support for himself and Ching [Chin Yun-peng]. Quite as likely the whole rumor started in the mere fact that the president received the Ymcas after Tuan had attempted to prevent the convention from meeting—the officials woill now be sure that the stirke is a consequence of the Tientsin meeeting. Another rumor said to be influencing the students is that Lamont has promised them financial support if they show they have the courage to do something! He may be interested in this rumor. Of course I cant say how widely circulated or believed these stories are, any more than the one that the students adopted from me the slogan that militarism must go. Its a good sentiment, but I havent the pride of originality about it. Mr Roy Anderson4 called on ment the other day with a Korean rebel conspirator and a local Chinese, and said that Mr Lamont was the first man who had been over here who had been big enough to see and talk to everybody, gave the students in Shanghai half an hour appointment and then talked to them two and a half and once when he asked them what they wanted he should do, one of the students replied "Go home", and Mr L took it goddnaturedly and said he would if he found he couldnt do something of benefit to the people. Also that the officials tried to keep him cornered but he wouldnt be. Nothing was said however about our friend Sokolsky; it would be interesteding to know if in his itch for sensationalism he had been stirring up the strike. The Korean was bound for Vladivostok and told with pride about the millions of yen the Koreans were subsrcibing to start patriotic newspapers, and also the number of indutrial companies, over 250 which had been started in the last year for encouraging Korean industry. He had been in prison several years so he must be old at the game. Mr Anderson think that if the Allies dont interfere to protect Japan an alliance between Koreans, Chinese and Russians in Siberia and Manchuria which will in time by guerilla warfare drive out Japanese is inevitable. The present reports from Siberia put Mr Ono's remarks about desire for cooperation in Siberia in the unfortunate light which events have a way of placing Japanese propaganda.
I am living in a missionary house under the hill you spoke of, and maybe Mrs Malone is the one you spoke of; she is in America. However I have heard of two others who sometimes do that business and am on their trail. Tuesday afternoon and evening I teaed and dined at Mr Williams, the acting presidents—he is more cultivated than Mr Bowen, but also I think more conservative. He knows lots about Chinese and China tho. In 1900 spent a year in Japan with C T Wang and the Chinese students, of whom there were then 15000—he says that Chinese brought home a lot of new ideas, and evidently thinks that in spite of everything their going to Japan has been a great factor in producing the present new tendencies. Says Chinese were exploited in every posiible way; men used to get them into their homes, entangle them with their wives and daughters and then blackmail them. At the tea there were several Chinese women, among them the kindergartner, Mrs Wang and a cunning two year old girl, Mrs Won and the two celebrated boys that came in answer to prayer as a miraculous proof of the truth of Chritianity etc. The boys were about the size of "us boys" in the picture of the four of us, and their clothes were so like ours in the picture, and their hair cut the same way, that it was funny. They have two new semi Chinese buildings about up, the big administrative one rather ugly, the small one for a chapel is going to be quite lovely. At Mr Plimpton' suggestion they are going to set up a few of the old examination stalls Thursday, the 15th in the campus. Yesterday is my offday for work. Mr Tao and Liu cam around about nine, with a young brother of C T Wang who is on his way back to Shanghai and took me off for the day. We went to the Rain Blossom Hill whence come the pebbles, lots of peddlars, children with the coarser ones, like ours, following you around with baskets and finally offering to sell the whole lide for ega mau [illeg.], up to the aristocratic ones who have their stands and their best speices under glass with fancy names attached, the moon in the sea, etc, and prices according—one with a Chinese character like happiness on it for sixten dollars I came home with some pretty ones; then we went to the examination halls again, to the public gardens, to a lake we didnt go to before, in whose tea house the first Ming emperor used to play chess with his prime minister, a Chinese restaurant on the canal opposite the exam halls where we ate in The Flowery Boat on the canal, and to a big buddhist monastery, where we saw the sutra scriptures, 7000 vols, as well as the usual ten thousand buddhas; also we we were leaving there was service in the temple, so we waited. At first the music sounded to my ears much like negro chanting; its more hypnotic than catholic mass, more soothing to the nerves; if I were near Id go in everyday.
Our weather is evidently cooler than yours. No hot days, rather chilly on the whole; the ewather we had here last May much the hottest of whole summer they say, also hottest ever. Strike begins today, but they say they will go on with my lectures
There are single beds here for everybody. But bring sheets and pillow cases for your beds also a comforter or quilt apeice. A few towels would probably come in handy, but there arent sheets enough to go around, and bringing your own is part of the recognized scheme of living with missionaries. Also they dont drink coffee which means it is pretty bad; it wouldnt be a bad idea to have a couple of cans accidentally left over and bring em. Sorry to hear about Evelyn; quite likely the damp her and absence of dust will be a good thing for her, tho there isnt much to do here, except that wandering the streets one gets much more insight into life here than in Peking, things more open, and women much more in evidence, keeping shop, working with men etc. Better bring two tennis rackets, one for me as I think Ill have to start playing.
Lots of love to everybody John
10 1920.04.18 (publ.)
John Dewey : Lecture 'The new conception of life'. = Xin ren sheng guan. Liu Boming interpreter ; Jin Haiguan, Cao Chu, Pan Gungzhan, Ni Wenzhou recorder. In : Xue deng ; April 18 (1920).
11 1920
John Dewey attends a tea party with the Young China Association in the garden of the Gentry Club.
12 1920.04.19
Letter from John Dewey to Dewey family
Nanking April 19 '20
Dear family, or families, here and there I hope you will forgive me if I mix things all up in a scramble, some for one, some for tother. One negative fact has emerged about the future. Im not going anywhere not even to Shanghai till Ive finished here, which will be the middle of May. After that I am to be in the hands of the National Federation of Chinese Education, headquarters at Shanghai, and I guess something Monlin Chiang got up. I hope they have others reasons for being save managing my tour, but one feature of their activity I strongly suspect is to keep me from falling into the hands of the missionary institutions—at the same time, theyll expect probably to board us with missionaries wherever we go. When I can get at Tao [Hsing-chih] or Kuo [Ping-wen] Ill find out. They alnd practically all the leaders here are Christians, so you get another angle on that question here, tho not free from jealousy of their institutions I think. I dont think youll have any difficulty spending two weeks here pleasantly enough, or more; sight seeing will take more sometime and if any one has energy for picnics and walks, there are lots of places to go. I wander about the streets a good deal; shops are more wide open and domestic than in Peking, nothing exciting going on in them, but you see things fairly wide open. Weather much cooler than Peking so far; season is three weeks late. Evelyn outlined a good article on consortium for the N R and I hope she'll write it, under her own name. Glad mamma liked the sense of my Shantung article if she didnt the sound. I found, re the head dress that a Miss Lyons has a girls school here and wrote to ask when I could call on her, wrote several days ago, but havent had any answer. Have had a chance to get some contact with students here. Tea party yesterday afternoon with the local members of the Young China Association. I had supposed it to be very large, but found the entire representation there, ten in number, about equally divided between Teachers College as they prefer to call the Higher Normal and Nanking University. A man from the latter made quite a little set || speech, telling about the society and its purposes—five branches, one at Peking where it was formed last July, one Chengtu, one here one Tokyo, one Paris. 68 members in all and publishing 2 monthlies and one weekly. Thing of a small no of American college students doing that, say nothing of their object being to create a new civilization for China, and to cooperate with movements in other countries, for general reconstruction. They eschew politics and, are devoted to soicial reform, including educational, and to the spread of scientific method and results. The teachers tell me the group here is quite the elite among the students. Take in ^no^ new members save when they are thoroughly acquainted with them, and have four requirements; purity of character, an economical habit of life, a fighting disposition, and responsibility in carrying thru what they promise—not such a bad list. Judging from their conversation their chief present, in this group at least, is the family and woman question; anxious to know about feminism, strongly in favor of coeducation etc. The Baptist College in Shanhgai is going to introduce it in '21. One young man wanted to know how the psycology was going to be changed, that the men had a certain idea of women in their mind, and the women had the traditional idea of woman and also the mens' idea od women in their minds and when they met these old ideas came up no matter what their theoretical beliefs were. On thrusday afternoon [22 Apr. 1920] the student editors of their educational publication Youth and Society have asked me to meet with them. The meeting yesterday was in the Garden of the Gentry Club, I think thats the place mother and I had the bout with the hard boiled officials last spring. Mrs Thurston isnt here, The acting president Miss Vautrin brings her class in education over every evening to the normal school lecture, eight or ten of them, and the women teachers of the practise school come. Afternoon lectures there are a few scattering women, also, today from the womans normal. Im going to speak at Ginling [Nanjing] wednesday night; to science teachers of TC tomorrow, and spoke at University last Friday [16 Apr.] so am getting these stunts off the program, May 7 and 8 there is to be a Teachers Conference here, educators from outside. There is to be an Athletic Meet here, and this is run in after; I think thats the way they have got around the officials. The strike is supposed to come to an end tomorrow; anyway it doesnt affect me. The students had their first demonstration, parade, speech making this a m But I didnt know it was coming off and missed it. There is less no enthusiasm and unless the demonstration stirred things up, I dont think it will last. If cook goes too, I dont see why you dont put forward a little your coming down here. Shouldnt think it would pay to start up for two weeks all afresh. Hope you got to the Great Wall, and also hope you will do the Ming toombs, tho if you do you better stay at the hotel and not try it all in one day—go up afternoon before. The summer school here begins about July 15. I think thereir program is all made up, but will see what I can find out. Ev better speak to Suh Hu about it too. Got the other home letters but as a foreign ^mail^ got in the other day am now hoping for more.
Lots of love to everybody John, also Dad.
I hope if Mr Lamont decides to go back without doing anything he will speak right out in meeting, as undiplomatically as possible, and tell just why. Not only will it do the Chinese good, but also save American prestige, as the Japanese will give it out for a great American defeat and lots of Chinese will think it is another case where Americans have talked and done nothing. Mr Anderson said the thing to do was to get all territory within three miles on each side of every rail way thrown open to foreign trade; the Japanese go in anyway, and this would enable foreign capital to go in to compete with them, and the Chinese local merchants would rather tie up with American, and that way could also get protection for their investments against their own officials, this was the only way to make the Open door a fact he said.
13 1920.04.19-06.19 (publ.)
John Dewey : Lectures 'Experimental logic' at Nanjing Teachers College. = Shi yan lun li xue. Liu Boming interpreter ; Xia Chengfeng, Cao Chu, Liu Boming, Shen Zhensheng recorder. In : Xue deng ; April 19, 22, 25 ; May 21, 29 ; June 2, 9, 10, 11, 19 (1920).
1. Logic, its nature and its importance.
2. The origins of thought.
3. The five steps of the thinking process.
4. Natural thought and scientific thinking.
5. The deficiencies of natural thought.
6. Deficiencies of natural thought attributable to social psychology.
7. Logic as a control of thinking.
8. Steps in logical thinking.
9. Facts and hypotheses.
10. The meaning of facts.
11. Abstraction and generalization.
12. General principles as description.
13. Verification.
14. Facts and meaning.
15. Judgment.
16. Types of Judgment.
17. Measurement.
18. Experimental logic : a summary.
Berry Keenan : In his lectures series on 'Experimental logic', Dewey continued his discussion of the pragmatic re-evaluation of knowledge and human thinking. He discussed the five stages of thought, based on the model of the experimental method of thinking he had formulated in 1910. These stages explain what a simple mechanism human thought is.
14 1920.04.20-30
Letter from John Dewey to Alice Chipman Dewey
[April 20-30,1920?]
This is the detailed itinerary. I dont think I have the names of a lot of the places right. The towns before Shanghai all on the rail road between here and there.
Chinkinang, May 17, Yangchow, 18th, Tsing chan 19-20, Changchow, 21 Wusih, 22-23, Soochow, 24-25, Shanghai, 26-31, Nantung, 1-6, Sinkian, 7-14, Hangchow and Wuhu, 7th-14th between them; Wuhu, An King, Kukiang—all up the river from here—rest of June. Dont know why Hangchow is dropped, lack of time is reason given; maybe, maybe afraid of missionary institutions in Wuchang.
All this is subject to strike being called off before dates given. If it isnt, nobody knows what will happen.
Dont forget towels, sheets, pillow cases.
The cheapest place in Peking to buy typewriting paper is Munyons near gate on Hatamen, 3,50 for 500 hundred sheets. Please bring a box Ill hear your plans soon I suppose. Many inquiries about you.
I have brought up the possibility of Evelyns giving some lectures her[e] this summer and it seemed to be well recd. I doubt oif she wants six weeks hot summer here however. Glad to hear Cook didnt leave, and hope Evyn has been all right again. My appraoches to Miss Lyons seem to have been in vain. Its a nunnery, no men on the place etc, and I suppose they are still holding consultations as to how to deal with my suggestion of making a call, Anyway I judge there is no reason from that end for following up the matter.
After a dfew days nice weather ists cold and rainy again.
Love to everybody John
May 17, monday Chinkiang
May 18, tuesday, lecture, Yongchow evening
May 19 wednesday, Yongchow, lecture
May 20 thurs lecture """"""
May 21 Tsing kiang, travelling to Friday
May 22 saturday Tsingkiang lecture
May 23 sunday " "
May 24 Travel to Chinkiang Monday
Mat 25 Tues Changchow, early train lecture
May 26 wednesday "" "
May 27 thrusady to Shanghai
May 28 friday lecture ""
May 29 Sat Shanghai, Natl assn vocational edb
May 30 sunday, """" """"""
[M]ay 31 monday "
till thrusday evening June 3rd.
June 4 Friday Nantung, lecture till June 7 monday, then to Shanghai, leavingev 8
June 8 Tuesday, arrive Shanghai
June 9 wednesday """" to Hangchow
June 10 Tr Hangchow thursday
June 11-12, 13 Hangchow thru sunday
June 14 monday to Shanghai
June 15 tuesday recreation """
June 16 Wednesday Tsuchow
17,18,19 """"
June 20 sunday to Wusih, stay thru saturday the 26th
June 27th Soochow,
Monday tues 28-29 lectures at Soochow
June 30 wednesday reurn to Nanking ||
[not typed by JD]
Time table for Dr Dewey's Lectures.
May 16th Sunday.
May 17th from Nankin to Chingkiang by first train. Travelling for scenery
May 18th Tuesday Lecture. To Yongchau in the evening.
May 19th Wednesday Travelling for scenery or lecture.
May 20 Thursdy lecture
May 21st to Tsingkiang. Friday
May 22 Sat arrive at Tsingkiang or lecture.
May 23 Sunday
May 24 Monday To Chingkiang.
May 25th Tuesday To Chang chau by first train. Lecture.
May 26th Wed. Lecture.
May 27th to Shanghai.
" 28th Friday
May 29th Sat. Lecture in the National Association of Vocational Educa
" Sunday same as above.
May 31
June 1st Tuesday and 2nd Wednesday, blank
June 3rd to Nantung in the evening.
June 4th Arrive at Nantung
June 5th travelling for scenery or lecture.
June 6th Sunday lecture, Monday 7th lecture return to Shanghai.
June 8th Arrive at Shanghai.
June 9th to Hangchow. 10th 11th, 12th 13th
June 14th return to Shnaghai. Tuesday 15th recreation.
June 16th Wednesday To Siuchau till
June 20th To Wusih till Sat the 26th four lectures beginning Wednesday
June 27th to Suchow lecture 28th and
June 29th, 30th lecture
June 30th return to Nankin.
15 1920.04.21
John Dewey : Lecture at Ginling.
16 1920.04.21
John Dewey : Lecture 'Science and democracy' at the Science Society of China.
17 1920.04.22
Letter from John Dewey to John Jacob Coss
Care Nanking Teachers College April 22 '20
Dear Coss,
Well as you know I have decided to stay over here and teach another year. I hesitated very long time; among other things they asked Evelyn to stay and she couldnt make up her mind at once. However altho she declined, I decided for another year of it, partly because being here it seemed the easiest thing to do, especially as reports from America arent especially attractive so far as living is concerned, and partly to try to clinch whatever may have got started this year. My teaching next year will be of a more intensive character, and mainly at the University, tho enough time will be taken off in the winter to go to Canton—which is another reason for staying as we havent been south. A trip was planned for this summer but some Americans advised us agt us very strongly on grounds of health. Suh Hu [Hu Shi] and a few others are very anxious to modernize the university, and to do means not only getting teachers but material in shape. He is anxious to have me give a course in the interpretation of the history of western philosophy, which can become for a while a kind of standard basis for that subject. The largest publishing house in China has recently made arrangements by the way for extensive translations, rather specially oin philosophy. Suh Hu [Hu Shi] and Monlin Chiang, a Teachers College man, and Chancellor Tsai of the University are the board of editors. The students are on strike again as a protest agt the Government's dealings with Japan, but they have excepted my lectures. Im lecturing here on philosophy of edn, rather popular, history of Greek philosophy and logic, 8 hours a week altogether, but the interpretation has to come out of the time, so it is rather a lesson in selection, condensation and illustration.
Thanks very much for the material you sent. Im glad to be able to ging information about the tests, and the syllabus the course will be of great practical value to me. Books are scarce and hard to get hold of and that syllabus will take the place of quite a library. I have an account at the University Press Book Store and when you see a book that you think I really ought to read, philosophy or social theory, I wish you would tell them to send it to me—the old Peking address—and charge to my account. I feel Im getting rather stale. I wish by the way you would have [Bertrand] Russells Introduction to Mathematical Theory sent now, send that here, as this will be headquarters till July.
I shall miss my classes and associations very much. And it is some pleasure to know that some will miss me there. I have had to write out my lectures on Social Philosophy—not wuite finished yet—for translation into Chinese, and Im wondering whether to get them printed in English. Im afraid however they are too general as I aimed at an outline of the whole field. My book of lectures on philosophical reconstruction, given in Japan, will probably be brought out by Holt shortly, At least I got galley proofs in Jan. I tried to sum up my past in that, and get rid of it for a fresh start.
Please remember me to everybody, Woodbridge and Montague especially and Edman and the younger men who willmay be interested. With best wishes,
Sincerely yours, | John Dewey
The family is still In Peking tho Im expecting them shortly. Ive been here most three weeks. After the middle of May Im going on circuit round and about the Yangste provinces.
18 1920.04.24
Letter from John Dewey to Dewey family
Teachers College April 24 [1920] Nanking
Dearest children,
You will see from the other side of this what sometimes happens when the Chinese get away from their own etiquette and dont succeed in getting over to ours. There are 60 or more returned American students here, about half of them in the T C; the guests were the American community here, at last as many as cane. Pres Kuo after a social occasion of cakes and tea delivered my obituary which I am getting reasonable hardedned to, but he interspersed the more painful parts with a few jokes. The Chinese have an enumerative mind; they like to cover the ground, from one, two, three, four up. Thusly, I am welcomed first because I am an American, secondly, because I am a philosopher, thridsly because I am a teacher, and so on till catagories and words are exhausted. There was also music, and some of the Chinese young men did stunts about like college boys at home, including a lesson in learning a new language by the modern motheod, which consisted in a dialogue of all the American slang they could remember, and the giving of various college yells.
The French are sending back some Chinese coolies now. The French lot moslty came from the river provinces, and the big boats come up the river to here, 1100 landing today, and everybody is investigating their door and window locks. Also cussing the French. They just unload them and turn them loose; they may be penniless and a hundred miles or more from home. They give them drafts on France for their back wages, payable not here but in Shanghai, and then only when the Shanghai bank has recd notification from Paris. Some of them have hung around two months, living ion charity or something else waiting for the bank to get authorization from France for the Bank to pay checks these men already have. They have to have identification papers too with thunm prints, and between losing them having them stolen, and gambling them away, everything is a mess. When the first lot landed here, there was no one to receive them, or give them advice. The Y M C A now have an organization that takes their checks sends them to Shanghai and collect. Everyone contrasts French management with the British; they sent part of the wages to the mans home here, registered every letter, followed them up, got several postofficers dismissed for dishonesty; send somebody to look after them when they come home, and open a good number of pay offices in the home country of the people. Also the British made it easy for their coolies to save money and the French offered them every facility for spending it as fast as they got it.
The students strike is on, indefinitely this time, altho they only struck for five days at first. The students here altho they were oppose[d] sent delegates out to other schools in Yangste towns and induced them to strike and now they cant quit because of these others. Also there is a good deal of disgust with Shanghai students, and I think there is some face-making at expense of Shanghai union; they want the leadership to centre here. Now they are trying to get the ineveitable middle man, the peacemaker to intervene. The provincial assembly has telegrapghed to the central govt in favor of the student demands—return of Japanese note andsking for negotiations over Shantung and cancelling of all secret pacts—and they are trying to get some Shanghai organizations to do the same. This will save the face of the students and they can go back to work, saying they struck only because others whose business it was did not take the responsibility and now that the latter have taken it, they will return to their proper business. But the paper says the Peking students have struck and that may complicate things. When mamma wrote about Sokolsky heading the Lamont student delegation I wondered of course whether he hasd anything to do with the strike. Yesterday I heard from a young Chinese here that a Russian Jew had had a lot of influence with a man who had influence with the students, and had been influential in starting the strike. He seemed to be of the opinion that the fiasco would reduce his future influence.
Yesterday I went to the a tea in the Cockcrow temple—the Buddisht temples often have tea houses in connection—given by the student editors of an educational bi-weekly, Youth and Society, they made four very good speeches in English explaining their purposes and work. The neatest one said that their object was to help produce a Social Youth and a Youthful Society—which is an elegant example of Chinese balance. While we were talking three policemen came in. As they made profound bows, I was much flattered thinking they had come especially to offer their section of honor to the distinguished foreign guest. But there is martial law here, and the priests had reported that a meeting was going on. Having made their bows they promptly went out, and when we left they were still drinking tea in the other room, so they evidently got a hoilday out of it. Some of the students talked some. It seems that some professor in Peking University has advocated public rearing of children, on the ground that parents were too ignorant to rear their children, and that the family system was a failure anyway, and family ought to be abolished. Id like to get a collection of the extreme proposals that are going the rounds. An interesting thing is that they are practically put forth by Chinese who have had no foreign education at all, but who have become disgusted with conditions. Apparently at different times there has been a good deal of radicalism in China in spite of their conservatism. Another problem is that this school has the reputation of turning out radicals educationally and when they get jobs to teach they at once come into conflict with the old line educators, and many of them have to quit—or some quit simply they are senstive as to their face. This society like the other one seemed to put a good deal of emphasis upon a fighting spirit however. When we were in Peking we had read to us a letter from the Governor of Chekiang province pitching into a school principal there, saying he taught the pupils free love, nationalization of women etc as well as other alleged Bolshevist eccentricities. It turns out that the governor got his information from some of the old teachers in anonymous letters, they disliking their principal because of some of his progressive educational tendencies The principal is a Chinese scholar of the old type, and his progressiveness is all a matter of the last two or three years. These things throw some light on the struggle to change things. These young editors asked me to suggest topics for their magazine, which has a circulation of 1200, and I suggested a critical discussion of the disadvantages of Face. One of them put the whole political dilemma of China in a sentence when he said considering that an immediate revolution would merely transfer power from one set of officials and militarists to another set, and an educati a revolution that depended upon the proper education of the people so as really to have a democratic government would be too slow and come too late, what where the students to do?
My program is finally made out. We are supposed to leave here May 16th and make six one or two day stands before reaching Shanghai on the 26th where we stay the rest of May. Then two weeks in three cities including Hangchow in the Shanghai region, then back up the Yangste for the last two weeks of June—not getting as far up the river as Hankow however. After the first of July we shall be on our own, I mean a vacation so if we want to go further up the river we can.
You better keep sending mail here till further notice. An empress steamer comes in Shanghai today, so shall hope for late news soon. Lots of love to everybody. Im going to adress to Sabino as a reminder we have missed of late his good letters.
19 1920.04.29
John Dewey : Lecture 'The essential meaning of vocational education'. = Zhi ye jiao yu di jing yi. In : Jue wu ; May 31 (1920).
20 1920.04.30
John Dewey : Lecture 'Vocational education and the labor problem'. = Zhi ye jiao yu yu lao dong wen ti. In : Jue wu ; May 21 (1920).

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