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Chronology Entries

# Year Text
1 1919.12
Chen, Duxiu. Shi xing min zhi de ji chu. [ID D28554]. [The basis for the realization of democracy].
Chen Duxiu was highly interested in John Dewey's lecture on 'Democratic developments in America'. Chen began his essay by acknowledging Dewey's broad delineation of democracy in terms of political constitution, civil rights, social equality, and economic justice. Chen remarked that all socialists would share Dewey's belief about social and economic democracy. He endorsed Dewey's claim that the realization of democracy should not be limited to the political sphere. 'The elevation of social life' should be the primary goal. Chen did not accept everything Dewey said. He actually suggested that Dewey blend the four dimensions into two : the political and the socioeconomic. Chen did not trust what Dewey said about political democracy : that individual liberties can be protected by the constitution and that public opinion can be secured by a republican government. In light of the total failure of China's republican government, Chen argued that a mere system of representation and constitutionalism would not ensure the realization of political democracy. He said that the best system was 'direct legislation', which would lead to 'the breaking down of the distinction between those who govern and those who were governed'. Chen was especially inspired by Dewey's historical account of the United States' grassroots democracy, which was developed from self-governing villages and towns rather than imposed by the legislation of the federal government.
Chen's critique of Dewey's conception of democracy reflected his own concern with socio-economic questions as well as his limited understanding of democratic procedure and institutions. In his proposal, Chen took Dewey's advice to use China's traditional guild system to build a grassroots foundation. He believed that China could 'develop democracy using England and America as a model. He quoted from Dewey's lecture to emphasize democracy as the best possible society 'because democracy means education.
2 1919.12.20 (publ.)
John Dewey : Lecture 'The University and public opinion in a democracy' at National Beijing University on the twenty-second anniversary of its founding. = Da xue yu min zhi guo yu lun di zhong yao. Hu Shi interpreter ; Gao Shangde recorder. In : Chen bao fu kan ; Dec. 20 (1919).
3 1919.12.24
John Dewey : Lecture in Jinan at the Hall of the Provincial Assembly.
4 1919.12.31-1920.01.02 ?
John Dewey stays in Tianjin.
5 1920-1922
Wilhelm Gundert studiert Japanisch an der Universität Hamburg.
6 1920-1925
Erich Haenisch ist Ausserordentlicher Professor für chinesische Kolonialsprachen am Seminar für Orientalische Sprachen Berlin. Er beherrscht die Sprachen Chinesisch, Mandschu, Mongolisch, Tibetisch sowie Westmongolisch und Osttürkisch.
7 1920
Friedrich Hirth kehrt nach München zurück.
8 1920
Walter Liebenthal geht nach Berlin.
9 1920-1923
Otto Maenchen-Helfen studiert Philosophie an der Universität Leipzig.
10 1920
Gottfried Rösel studiert Sinologie an der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München.
11 1920-1923
Gottfried Rösel studiert Chinesisch und Mandschu an der Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Berlin.
12 1920
Alfred Salmony promoviert in Kunstgeschichte an der Universität Bonn.
13 1920-1924
Alfred Salmony ist Kurator am Museum für Ostasiatische Kunst Köln.
14 1920-1924
Philipp Schaeffer studiert Chinesisch, Sanskrit und Tibetisch an der Universität Heidelberg und beschäftigt sich mit Buddhismus.
15 1920
Walter Simon erhält das Diplom für Bibliothekswissenschaft an der Friedrich-Wilhelms Universiät Berlin.
16 1920-1922
Walter Trittel ist an der Botschaft der niederländisch-indischen Regierung in Java tätig.
17 1920
Hans Wirtz kehrt nach Köln zurück.
18 1920-1939
Karl A. Wittfogel ist Mitglied der deutschen kommunistischen Partei.
19 1920
Herbert von Borch muss nach Deutschland zurückkehren.
20 1920
John Benjamin Powell schickt seinen Sohn John William Powell zur Erziehung und Schulung nach Amerika.

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