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Chronology Entries

# Year Text
1 1919-1939
Peter Torjesen ist Missionar der China Inland Mission in Hequ (Shanxi).
2 1919-1930
Gründung und Bestehen der norwegischen Gesandtschaft in Beijing.
3 1919-1921
Wei Chenzu ist Gesandter der chinesischen Gesandtschaft in Brüssel, Belgien.
4 1919-1923
Ernest Franck ist Generalkonsul des belgischen Konsulats in Tianjin.
5 1919
Gründung der Banca italo-cinese
6 1919
Karakhan-Manifest : Russland verzichtet auf sämtliche politische Sonderrechte in China.
7 1919
Gründung der Chinese Nationalist League of Canada in Victoria und Vancouver.
8 1919-1923
Eduard Goulet arbeitet mit französischen Jesuiten in Suzhou.
9 1919
Gründung der Canadian Association in Shanghai.
10 1919-1920
Klaus Greve kehrt nach Tianjin zurück, ist zwei Monate Lehrer an der deutschen Schule und kehrt nach Deutschland zurück.
11 1919-1923
Carl Rohde kehrt nach Qingdao zurück.
12 1919
Theodor Scholz wird nach Deutschland repatriiert.
13 1919-1925
Albert Gervais ist medizinischer Direktor des Spitals der katholischen Mission und Professor der chinesischen medizinischen Schule in Sichuan.
14 1919-1924
Ausweisung und Zwangsurlaub von Rudolf und Luise Röhm.
15 1919-1921
Friedrich Weller studiert Philologie und Religionsgeschichte an der Universität Leipzig.
16 1919-1941
Clifford J. King ist Missionar der Steyler Mission in China. (1919-1930 / 1932-1941).
17 1919-1920
Clifford J. King macht theologische Studien in Yanzhou, Shandong.
18 1919.03
Conference held by the Ministry of Education.
Hu Shi made a detailed introduction to John Dewey's pragmatism. Such publicity and introduction has created a 'Dewey craze' even before Dewey came to China, and the far and wide spread of his educational philosophy could be predicted.
Hu Shi found the 'practical philosophy' he was looking for in Dewey's pragmatism. His 1919 lecture introducing pragmatism, Hu refers approvingly to Dewey's comment that 'philosophy recovers itself when it ceases to be a device for dealing with the problems of philosophers and becomes a method, cultivated by philosophers, for dealing with the problems of men'.
19 1919.03-04
John Dewey : Lecture 'The relation between democracy and education' at the Jiangsu Educational Association Building, Shanghai. = Ping min zhu yi, ping min zhu yi di jiao yu, ping min jiao yu zhu yi di ban fa. Jiang Menglin interpreter ; Pan Gongzhan recorder. In : Xue deng ; May 8-9 (1919) / In : Chen bao fu kan ; May 9 (1919).
Zhou Youjin : Dewey's speeches were so popular that there was barely enough room for the audience. The speeches have already been published in both Chinese and English newspapers to that those who were not able to attend the speeches for various reasons could learn about Dewey's ideas.
20 1919.04.15
April 15, 1919
Professor John Dewey c/o The Government University Peking
My dear Professor Dewey
On the basis of the following telegram President Butler cabled to the Chancellor that you had been granted leave of absence in order to accept the suggestion that you lecture at the Government University Peking.
President Butler Columbia University
Professor Dewey consents lecture one year at Chinese Government University pending your concurrence. Kindly cable.
Thaiyuenpei [Cai Yuanpei] Chancellor Government University
President Butler is delighted that you will have the opportunity and is sure you can accomplish much of lasting good by work at this institution.
Trusting that all is going well with you, I beg to remain
Faithfully yours Frank D. Fackenthal

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