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Chronology Entries

# Year Text
1 1863
Gründung der Tongwenguan in Shanghai. Feng Guifen ist Mitbegründer.
2 1863-1873
James Duncan Campbell ist Sekretär des Chinese Maritime Customs Service in China.
3 1863
Carrière, Moritz. Die Kunst im Zusammenhang der Culturentwickelung [ID D17318].
Carrière schreibt : Wir beginnen mit China die Culturgeschichte, weil sich hier die erste Stufe des menschheitlichen Lebens für sich aus dem weitern Entwicklungsprocess abgesondert und erhalten, aber innerhalb ihrer Natur und Menschheit höchst merkwürdig ausgebildet hat. Die Chinesen sind conservativ, indem sie das einmal Gewonnene treu festhalten und die ursprüngliche Form ihres Lebensprincips behaupgten, so dass sich alle Entwicklungen nur innerhalb derselben vollziehen, aber nicht über dieselbe hinausschreiten... Die Chinesen waren Kinder wie die ganze Menschheit, aber sie sind in der Kindheit stehen geblieben und alt geworden.
4 1863
Théophile Gautier kommt durch Charles Clermont-Ganneau in Kontakt mit Ding Dunling, der als Sekretär von Joseph-Marie Callery nach Frankreich gekommen ist. Er stellt ihn als Chinesisch-Lehrer für Judith Gautier ein. Sie kopieren chinesische klassische Gedichte in der Bibliothèque nationale in Paris.
Judith Gautier schreibt 1903 in Le second rang du collier über Ding : "L'idée de voir un habitant du Céleste Empire nous exaltait beaucoup ; cet être invraisemblable existait donc, autrement que sur les écrans et les éventails, avec une tête d'ivoire ou une figure de papier de riz". Elle se souviendre d'avoir "presque chaque jour", en compagnie de Ding Dunling, consulté et recopié certains poèmes des recueils disponibles dans la Bibliothèque de la rue de Richelieu.
5 1863-1868
Charles de Montigny ist Konsul des französischen Konsulats in Tianjin.
6 1863-1864
Victor Hugo erhält 1863 einen Dankesbrief von Juliette Drouet für den Kauf 1864 von Hauteville Fairy und dem darin enthaltenen 'salon chinois' mit Skizzen von Hugo. "Je reviens à mon admiration pour cette prodigieuse chambre qui est un véritable poème chinois." [Wiederhergestellt in einem Saal des Hauses von Hugo in Paris ; die Skizzen sind in der Bibliothèque nationale de France].
Hugo hat 57 Zeichnungen, 'Chinoiserien' gemacht, davon 19 Bleistift- und Tintenzeichnungen, 38 in Pyrogravur auf Holz.
7 1863
Pierre Victor Mauboussin ist Generalkonsul des französischen Konsulats in Shanghai.
8 1863
Gautier, Théophile. Chinoiserie [ID D22291].
Ce n'est pas vous, non, madame, que j'aime,
Ni vous non plus, Juliette, ni vous,
Ophélia, ni Béatrix, ni même
Laure la blonde, avec ses grands yeux doux.
Celle que j'aime, à présent, est en Chine ;
Elle demeure avec ses vieux parents,
Dans une tour de porcelaine fine,
Au fleuve Jaune, où sont les cormorans.
Elle a des yeux retroussés vers les tempes,
Un pied petit agrave; tenir dans la main,
Le teint plus clair que le cuivre des lampes,
Les ongles longs et rougis de carmin.
Par son treillis elle passe sa tête,
Que l'hirondelle, en volant, vient toucher;
Et, chaque soir, aussi bien qu'un poète,
Chante le saule et la fleur du pêcher.
9 1863
Goncourt, Edmond de ; Goncourt, Jules de. Journal des Goncourt [ID D22308].
Sie schreiben über Théophile Gautier, Judith Gautier und Ding Dunling in Neuilly :
17 juillet
"Nous le trouvons à table, entouré de son fils et de ses deux filles, croquant en manches courtes les écrevisses d'un grand plat, nous contant le Chinois avec lequel elles ont dîné hier, allant chercher les souliers à la chinoise qu'il leur a donnés, bégayant les mots chinois qu'il leur a dits. On se lève de table, on passe au salon. Les fillettes vous attirent doucement vers des petits coins de meubles et d'intimité... pour vous faire épeler une page de leur grammaire chinoise."
10 1863-1951
Gründung und Bestehen des französischen Konsulats in Hankou = Wuhan (Hubei).
11 1863
Léon de Rosny beginnt mit Japanisch-Kursen an der Ecole des langues orientales vivantes, Paris.
12 1863-????
Antelmo Severini ist Professore di Lingue dell'Estremo Oriente des Istituto di studi superiori di Firenze.
13 1863
Brief von Gustave Flaubert an Edmond et Jules de Goncourt.
"De plus, le printemps me donne des envies folles de m'en aller en Chine ou aux Indes, et la Normandie avec sa verdure m'agace les dents comme un plat d'oseilles crues."
14 1863
Ralph Waldo Emerson began to read the Chinese classics, translated by James Legge.
15 1863
Thoreau, Henry David. Life without principle [ID D29695].
What are nations ? Tartars, and Huns, and Chinamen !
16 1863-1910
Thomas William Kingsmill ist Architekt in Shanghai. 1887 besucht Dublin.
17 1863-1913
Butler, Samuel. Works.
Butler, Samuel. A first year in Canterbury settlement. (London : Longman, Green, Longman, Roberts & Green, 1863).
Chap. 2
Then a rocket was sent up, and the pilot came on board. He gave us a roaring republican speech on the subject of India, China, etc.
The captain yarns about California and the China seas—the doctor about Valparaiso and the Andes—another raves about Hawaii and the islands of the Pacific—while a fourth will compare nothing with Japan.

Butler, Samuel. Lucubratio Ebria. In : Press ; July 29 (1865).
We are unable to point to any example of a race absolutely devoid of extra- corporaneous limbs, but we can see among the Chinese that with the failure to invent new limbs a civilisation becomes as much fixed as that of the ants; and among savage tribes we observe that few implements involve a state of things scarcely human at all. Such tribes only advance pari passu with the creatures upon which they feed.

Butler, Samuel. Erewhon : or, Over the range. (London : Trübner, 1872).
Chap. 6
It was not at all like going to China or Japan, where everything that one sees is strange.
Chap. 15
One rule runs into, and against, another as in a most complicated grammar, or as in Chinese pronunciation, wherein I am told that the slightest change in accentuation or tone of voice alters the meaning of a whole sentence.

Butler, Samuel. Evolution, old and new ; or, the Theories of Buffon, Dr. Erasmus Darwin, and Lamarck, as compared with that of Mr. Charles Darwin. (London : Hardwicke & Bogue, 1879).
In those climates where fecundity is greatest, as in China, Egypt, and Guinea, they banish, mutilate, sell, or drown infants.

Butler, Samuel. Alps and sanctuaries of Piedmont and the canton Ticino. (London : A.C. Fifield, 1881).
I once saw a common cheap china copy of this Madonna announced as to be given away with two pounds of tea, in a shop near Hatton Garden.
The most university and examination ridden people in the world are the Chinese, and they are the least progressive.

Butler, Samuel. Luck or cunning as the main means of organic modification : an attempt ot throw additional light upon the late Mr. Charles Darwin's theory of natural selection. (London : Trübner, 1887).
We know, of course, that it is not so, and that exemption from the toil attendant on material obstacles has been compounded for, in the ordinary way, by the single payment of a tunnel; and so with the cementing of a bone, our biologists say that the protoplasm, which is alone living, cements it much as a man might mend a piece of broken china, but that it works by methods and processes which elude us, even as the holes of the St. Gothard tunnel may be supposed to elude a denizen of another world.

Butler, Samuel. The sanctuary of Montrigone. In : Universal review ; Nov. (1888).
She is not at all ill—in fact, considering that the Virgin has only been born about five minutes, she is wonderful; still the doctors think it may be perhaps better that she should keep her room for half an hour longer, so the bed has been festooned with red and white paper roses, and the counterpane is covered with bouquets in baskets and in vases of glass and china.

Butler, Samuel. A medieval girl school. In : Universal review ; Dec. (1889).
As in the shops under the Colonnade where devotional knick-knacks are sold, you can buy a black china image or a white one, whichever you like; so with the pictures—the black and white are placed side by side—pagando il danaro si può scegliere.

Butler, Samuel. Thought and language. Lecture London (1890).
The Chinese letters on a tea-chest might as well not be there, for all that they say to us, though the Chinese find them very much to the purpose. They are a covenant to which we have been no parties—to which our intelligence has affixed no signature.

Butler, Samuel. The way of all flesh. (London : Jonathan Cape, 1903).
Chap. 1
How well do I remember her parlour half filled with the organ which her husband had built, and scented with a withered apple or two from the pyrus japonica that grew outside the house; the picture of the prize ox over the chimney-piece, which Mr Pontifex himself had painted; the transparency of the man coming to show light to a coach upon a snowy night, also by Mr Pontifex; the little old man and little old woman who told the weather; the china shepherd and shepherdess; the jars of feathery flowering grasses with a peacock’s feather or two among them to set them off, and the china bowls full of dead rose leaves dried with bay salt.
Chap. 86
His father and grandfather could probably no more understand his state of mind than they could understand Chinese, but those who know him intimately do not know that they wish him greatly different from what he actually is.

Butler, Samuel. Gladstone as a financier. In : The notebooks of Samuel Butler. Selections arranged and ed. by Henry Festing Jones. (London : Fifield, 1913).
I said to my tobacconist that Gladstone was not a financier because he bought a lot of china at high prices and it fetched very little when it was sold at Christie's.
“Did he give high prices?” said the tobacconist.
“Enormous prices,” said I emphatically.
Now, to tell the truth, I did not know whether Mr. Gladstone had ever bought the china at all, much less what he gave for it, if he did; he may have had it all left him for aught I knew. But I was going to appeal to my tobacconist by arguments that he could understand, and I could see he was much impressed.
18 1863
Norwegen und Schweden gründen ein Generalkonsulat in Shanghai und ein Vize-Konsulat in Guangzhou.
19 1863-
Anton Schiefner ist Bibliothekar der St. Petersburger Akademie der Wissenschaften.
20 1863
Léon de Rosny beginnt mit Japanisch-Kursen an der Ecole des langues orientales vivantes, Paris.

1 2 ... 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 ... 1815 1816