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Chronology Entries

# Year Text
1 1989
Conferene and exhibition commemorating Katherine Mansfield by the New Zealand Research Centre at Shanghai International Studies University in Shanghai.
2 1989
Aufführung von The matchmaker von Thornton Wilder unter der Regie von Chen Yinying = Joanna Chan im Xianggang hua ju tuan = Hong Kong Repertory Theatre.
3 1989
Interview by Tao Jie with Zhao Jiabi and Shi Zhecun in Shanghai about the long silence [ca. 1936-1949] about William Faulkner in China.
"Faulkner is not easy to understand. Faulkner's novels were too difficult to translate into Chinese. Very few people had read him or could find his books in Chinese even if they were interested. The other reason was the political situation at the time, especially the threat of Japanese invasion. Most people were concerned about the possibility of China's becoming a colony of some foreign power. As the result, they were more interested in novels about social injustices and the rebellions of the people."
4 1989
Aufführung von Deng dai Geduo = Waiting for Godot by Samuel Beckett als Freiluftfestspiel der Central Acadmy of Drama, unter der Regie von Meng Jinghui.
5 1989
Lisa Rofel promoviert an der Stanford University.
6 1989-1991
Lisa Rofel ist Assistant Professor of Anthropology and Science, Technology and Society des Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
7 1989
Ling Shuhua kehrt krankheitshalber nach Beijing zurück.
8 1989
F. Scott Fitzgerald and China general
Norman Michael Bock : The Chinese university audience is bound to note that Fitzgerald wrote with simultaneous admiration and pity of American Dreamers such as Jay Gatsby and Dexter Freen, whose capacity for imagination brought out the best-and the worst-in them. These Chinese readers, their interest kindled by the controversial anthology Ten great Chinese tragedies (1983), are likely to inquire about Fitzgerald's relation to the 'tragic' tradition of the West. Since the appearance of that volume of famous plays from the classical period, Chinese have debated with increasing intensity whether Western definitions of tragedy apply to their culture. The discussion of culture- and period-specific notions of tragey engendered by the writings of Fitzgerald and oth r classic American authors, promise to initiate and increasingly animated exchange of ideas and attitudes, through which Chinese and American intellectuals gain a better understanding of each other, themselves, and their two cultures.
The rich boy appears to focus on the superficial social skirmishing of the privileged classes, a subject that will fascinate Chinese students unfamiliar with class divisions in the United States, but the story also provides keen insight into American conceptions of selfhood and Fitzgerald's preferred ethic of middle class democracy.
Babyon revisited gives Chinese readers a glimpse of the American self in disarray.
9 1989
Gründung des Institut für Sinologie in Lund.
10 1989
Cecilia Lindqvist erhält den M.A. in Philosophie.
11 1989-1997
Cecilia Lindqvist ist Professorin für Sinologie an der Stockholm Universität.
12 1989-2000
Giorgio Casacchia ist Associate Professor für chinesische Sprache am Istituto Universitario Orientale die Napoli.
13 1989-1991
Roberto Ciarla ist Dozent für Chinese history and geography, Istituto italiano per l'Africa e l'Oriente, Roma
14 1989
Maria Rita Masci promoviert am Istituto Universitario Orientale di Napoli.
15 1989-1991
Alessandra Cristina Lavagnino ist Direttore dell'Istituto di Lingue straniere, Facoltà di scienze politiche del medesimo Ateneo.
16 1989
The China Federation of Literature and Art visited Australia to develop contacts with the Australian literary and publishing circles.
17 1989-1992
David Coates ist Commercial Secretary, Political Counsellor, Deputy Head of Mission in Beijing.
18 1989
Otto Wolff von Amerongen besucht als Vorsitzender des Ost-Ausschusses der deutschen Wirtschaft Li Peng in Beijing.
19 1989-1992
Werner Meissner ist Leiter Chinese and East Asian Politics, Freie Universität Berlin.
20 1989
Letzte Kulturbeziehung zwischen der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik und der Volksrepublik China.

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