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Chronology Entry




Queen Mary and Sir Charles Allom created the Chinese Chippendale Room, Buckingham Palace. The Queen had a passion for collecting Chinese and oriental objects, particularly jade, and the room is decorated in an eclectic style: with some pieces that originally furnished the Royal Pavilion in Brighton, objects collected by the Queen herself, set alongside two eighteenth century Vile cabinets that are still in the Royal Collection. The wallpaper was specially printed using a pattern from Chinese silk.

Mentioned People (2)

Allom, Charles Carrick  (Notting Hill, London 1865-1947 Potter's Bar, Middlesex) : Architekt, Designer

Mary, Queen  (Kensington Palace, London 1867-1953 Marlborough House, London) : Königin, Gattin von George V.


Art : Interior design

Documents (1)

# Year Bibliographical Data Type / Abbreviation Linked Data
1 2016 Royal Collection Trust :
Publication / Royal1