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May, Stephen James. Michener : a writer's journey. (Norman : University of Oklahoma Press, 2005).
Jim [James A. Michener] spent a hurried week in China, visiting the Nanyuan's Peoples Commune, an automobile factory, the Great Wall, Hangzhou and Shanghai.
Internationally, Nixon sought détente between America and its two principal adversaries, Russia and China. Jim knew both countries well, although his knowledge of China and Asia was particularly strong. At top-secret meeting with the Advisory Council and with the president, Michener demonstrated his understanding of both Russian and Chinese cultures, helping Nixon get a clearer picture of the challenges and dangers he would face in seeking peace. The press plane carried wighty-seven handpicked journalists, camaeramen, and technicians representing six magazines, twenty-five newspapers, and three television networks.

Mentioned People (1)

Michener, James A.  (New York, N.Y. 1907-1997 Austin, Texas) : Schriftsteller, Drehbuchautor


Literature : Occident : United States of America