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[Plechanov, Georgij Valentinovic]. Yibusheng. Chu Qiubai yi. [ID D26356].
Plechanov schreibt : "Ibsen's view and ideals were developed in a country which had no revolutionary proletariat, and where the backward masses could not become the vanguard of the progressive ideal. That is why every forward step of necessity seemed to Ibsen to be a movement of the 'minority', that is, of a small group of thinking individuals. It was quite different in countries of developed capitalist condition. There every progressive movement obviously had to be a movement of the exploited majority, or rather, it had to attempt to be that. Ibsen's bitter, sincere attacks against the 'majority' were greeted with applause by inumerable people who believed this majority to be the proletariat fighting for its emancipation. Ibsen attacked that 'majority' which was alien to all progressive strivings, but he received the approbation of thouse people who feared the progressive strivings of the 'majority'."

Mentioned People (3)

Chu, Qiubai  (um 1932) : Kommunistischer Literaturkritiker

Ibsen, Henrik  (Skien 1828-1896 Kristiania = Oslo) : Dramatiker, Dichter

Plechanov, Georgij Valentinovic  (Gudolowka 1856-1918 Terijoki = Selenogorsk) : Russischer Revolutionär


Literature : Occident : Norway

Documents (1)

# Year Bibliographical Data Type / Abbreviation Linked Data
1 1984 Tam, Kwok-kan. Ibsen in China : reception and influence. (Urbana, Ill. : University of Illinois, Graduate College, 1984). Diss. Univ. of Illinois, 1984. S. 101. Publication / Ibs115
  • Source: Luo, Shui. Jiao xi. In : Xiao shuo yue bao ; vol. 6, no 6 (Juni 1919). [Betr. Nora von Henrik Ibsen].
    角戏 (Ibs116, Publication)
  • Source: Danton, G[eorge] H. Henrik Ibsen. In : Tsing hua journal ; vol. 4, no 5 (April 1919). [Vortrag Qinghua-Universität 1919]. (Ibs117, Publication)
  • Source: Chen, Gu. Bulanduisi. In : Dong fang za zhi ; (Jan. 1920). In : Wen xue pi ping yu pi ping jia. (Shanghai : Shang wu yin shu guan, 1923). (Dong fang wen ku ; 60). [Georg Brandes].
    文學批評與批評家 (Ibs118, Publication)
  • Source: Lu, Xun. Pian jiao hou ji. In : Ben liu ; vol. 1, no 3 (20. Aug. 1928). [Editor's note ; enthält Henrik Ibsen]. (Ibs123, Publication)
  • Source: [Plechanov, Georgij Valentinovic]. Yibusheng. Chu Qiubai yi. In : Chu Qiubai wen ji. (Beijing : Ren min wen xue chu ban she. 1953). [Artikel über Henrik Ibsen].
    易卜生 (Ibs120, Publication)
  • Source: Pan, Jiaxun. Jin dai xi yang wen di zhu ben. In : Xi yang wen xue ; no 1 (1940). [The modern western problem play ; Henrik Ibsen].
    近代西洋文第注本 (Ibs119, Publication)
  • Source: A, Ying. Yibusheng di zuo pin zai Zhongguo. In : Wen xue cong bao ; no 17 (1956). [Ibsens Werke in China].
    易卜生 迪作品 在中國 (Ibs121, Publication)