# | Year | Bibliographical Data | Type / Abbreviation |
1 |
1707 |
Homann, Johann Baptist. Neuer Atlas bestehend in auserlesenen und allerneusten Land-Charten über die Gantze Welt = Atlas novus terrarum orbis imperia, regna et status exactis tabulis geographice demonstrans. (Noribergae : In Verlegung des Auctoris, 1707). [Darin enthalten ist die Grosse Mauer Chinas]. |
Publication / Hom2 |
2 |
1707 |
Overton, John. A new plaine and exact map of Asia. Described by N.I. Vischer and rendered into English with habits of the countries and manner of the chiefe cities. (London : Henry Overton, 1707). [Darin enthalten ist eine Asienkarte mit China]. |
Publication / Ove1 |
3 |
1707 |
Rizzi, Urbano. Taican rè della Cina : tragedia per musica da rappresentarsi nel Teatro Tron di S. Cassano l'anno 1707. (Venezia : Marino Rossetti, 1707). [Musik von Lucca Francesco Gasparini]. https://archive.org/details/bub_gb_JG6QBfoT2GMC. |
Publication / Rizzi1 |
4 |
1707 |
Bugnon, Didier. Relation exacte concernant les caravanes ou corteges des marchands d'Asie. (Nancy : R. Charlot & P. Deschamps, 1707). https://books.google.ch/books?id=635UAAAAcAAJ&pg=PA124 &lpg=PA124&dq=didier+bugnon+relation+exacte&source=bl&ots =_aw1CBuqxA&sig=v0pIxSYp-nlfkHvrnVY0MJ-fGtQ&hl=de&sa =X&ved=0ahUKEwjA3szg2srPAhWCOxQKHVYDAAEQ6AEINDA E#v=onepage&q=didier%20bugnon%20relation%20exacte&f=false. |
Publication / BugD1 |
5 |
1708-1717 |
Bellin, Jacques Nicolas ; Prévost d'Exiles, Antoine-François. China nebst Corea und den benachbarten Laendern der Tartary aus denen Karten genommen, welche die Jesuiten von dem Jahre 1708 bis 1717 davon entworfen haben. ca. 1749. In : Allgemeine Historie der Reisen zu Wasser und Lande [ID D16843]. [Karte]. |
Publication / BelJ4 |
6 |
1708 |
Malebranche, Nicolas. Entretien d'un philosophe chrétien et d'un philosophe chinois, sur l'existance & la nature de Dieu. (Paris : Michel David, 1708). = Publié par André Robinet. T. 15. (Paris : J. Vrin, 1958). (Bibliothèque des textes philosophiques). http://gallica.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/bpt6k9619459b. |
Publication / Male1 |
7 |
1708 |
The authority of the Pope rejected by the Jesuits in China ; or, A complaint of Cardinal Tournon of their disobedience ; with the original of Pope Clement XI's brief. (London : Printed, and to be sold by John Morphew, 1708). [Charles-Thomas Maillard de Tournon]. |
Publication / TourC1 |
8 |
1709 |
Tabaglio, Giuseppe Maria ; Fatinelli, Giovanni Jacopo. Considerazioni sù la scrittura intitolata Riflessioni sopra la causa della Cina dopò ! venuto in Europa il decreto dell'Emo di Tournon. (Roma : [s.n.], 1709). https://archive.org/details/bub_gb_YWkGIznVv70C. |
Publication / Tab1 |
9 |
1709 |
Ceva, Tommaso ; Cattaneo, Carlo Ambrogio ; Cattaneo, Tommaso. Alcune reflessioni intorno alle cose presenti della China. ([S.l. : s.n.], 1709). [Der Text wird allen dreien zugeschrieben]. https://books.google.ch/books?id=pklfAAAAcAAJ&pg=PA8&lpg=PA8&dq= Alcune+riflessioni+intorno+alle+cose+presenti+nella+China.&source=bl&ots =vt3WDZyucM&sig=kaJL19OHpRWcseYQdOGI1Ni4HAw&hl=de&sa= X&ved=0ahUKEwitytes9sXQAhVSahoKHRatDgoQ6AEIIDAA#v=onepage &q=Alcune%20riflessioni%20intorno%20alle%20cose%20presenti%20nella %20China.&f=false. = Ceva, Tommaso. Reflexions upon the idolatry of the Jesuits, and other affairs relating to religion in China. (London : Printed by H. Hills, 1709). https://books.google.ch/books?id=S-NbAAAAQAAJ&pg=PA9&lpg=PA9&dq= Reflexions+upon+the+idolatry+of+the+Jesuits,+and+other+affairs+relating+to +religion+in+China&source=bl&ots=Bcz4kmdyNJ&sig=R2QB8-DRF5pGCl MxX6gJedTtRNg&hl=de&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwisqp2C98XQAhWG2RoK HdlAAgcQ6AEINjAE#v=onepage&q=Reflexions%20upon%20the%20idolatry %20of%20the%20Jesuits%2C%20and%20other%20affairs%20relating%20to %20religion%20in%20China&f=false. |
Publication / CatC1 |
10 |
1709 |
Serry, Jacques-Hyacinthe. Difesa del giudizio formato dalla S. Sede Apostolica : nel dì 20. novembre 1704, e pubblicato in Nankino dal car. di Tournon alli 7. febbrajo 1707 intorno a'riti, e cerimonie cinesi : contro un libello sedizioso intitolato alcune riflessioni intorno alle cose presenti della Cina : a cui bengono annesse tre appendici contre le tre scritture latine ultimamente stampate dalli difensori de'medesimi riti condannati. Opera di un dottore della Sorbona. Seconda edizione, accresciuta di varie notizie. (Torino : Gio. Battista Fontana, 1709). [Enthält] : Ceva, Tommaso. Alcune riflessioni intorno alle cose presenti della Cina. [Abhandlung über den Ritenstreit]. https://archive.org/details/bub_gb_edvIEgI6pnQC. |
Publication / Serry |
11 |
1709 |
A true account of the present state of Christianity in China : with full satisfaction to the behaviour of the Jesuits. As also the Pope's determination, which has been kept so long a secret. (London : Printed, and to be sold by John Morphew, 1709). https://www.adturtle.biz/LP_TA/index.cfm?T=435885. |
Publication / True1 |
12 |
1710 |
Liu, Zhi. Tian fang dian li ze yao jie. ([S.l.] : Yang Feilu, 1710). [Abhandlung über den Islam]. 天方典禮擇要解 |
Publication / Liu,1 |
13 |
1710 |
Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm. Essais de Théodicée sur la bonté de Dieu, la liberté de l'homme et l'origine du mal. (Amsterdam : Isaac Troyel, 1710). |
Publication / Leib20 |
14 |
1710 |
The sentiments of the Jesuits upon the controversies of China. (London : [s.n.], 1710. |
Publication / Sent1 |
15 |
1710 |
The True sentiments of the Jesuits concerning some articles of religion between the Emperor of China, and the Pope of Rome. (London : Printed for Benjamin Tooke and George Strahan, 1710). |
Publication / True2 |
16 |
1710 |
Floyer, John. The pulse watch or, an essay to discover the causes of diseases, and a rational method of curing them by feeling of the pulse. These Essays are added as an appendix. I. An Essay to make a new Sphygmologia, by accommodating the Chinese and European observations about the Pulse… (London : Printed for J. Nicholson, 1710). https://books.google.ch/books?id=PFVWAAAAcAAJ&pg=PP5&lpg=PP5&dq=Floyer ,+John.+The+pulse+watch+or,+an+essay+to+discover+the+causes+of+diseases& source=bl&ots=eMxkCk59E&sig=3J4E6qkcNtcYsto2xbd8qFu5Pg&hl=de&sa= X&ved=0ahUKEwjn1JH528rPAhXFUBQKHUxDCXkQ6AEINjAE#v=onepage&q =Floyer%2C%20John.%20The%20pulse%20watch%20or%2C%20an%20essay% 20to%20discover%20the%20causes%20of%20diseases&f=false. |
Publication / Flo1 |
17 |
1710 |
Clemens XI. Decret de n. s. pere le Pape Clement XI. : touchant les cultes Chinois ; avec une déclaration en forme de letter écrite par l'assesseur du S. Office au generaux de quelques ordres religieux et les réponses desdits generaux. ([S.l. : s.n.], 1710). https://books.google.ch/books?id=aHdrb3kom5EC&pg=PA15&lpg=PA15&dq =Decret+de+n.+s.+pere+le+Pape+Clement+XI.+:+touchant+les+cultes+Chinois &source=bl&ots=5bDL1jngSJ&sig=iGdsv8RGgPs34s1ErVWv5ukvC0&hl=de&sa =X&ved=0ahUKEwimhqSM5MrPAhXMPBQKHWN3BCEQ6AEIHjAA#v=onepag &q=Decret%20de%20n.%20s.%20pere%20le%20Pape%20Clement%20XI.%20 %3A%20touchant%20les%20cultes%20Chinois&f=false. |
Publication / Cleme1 |
18 |
1710 |
Ecrits de Mrs des Missions étrangères sur l'Affaire de la Chine, comprenant la Lettre de Messieurs des Missions étrangères au Pape sur le Décret de sa Sainteté rendu en 1704, et publié en 1709 contre les idolatries et les superstitions chinoises et la Réponse de Messieurs des Missions étrangères à la protestation et aux réflexions des Jésuites. ([S.l. : s.n.], 1710). https://books.google.ch/books?id=l5smoszHGOYC&pg=PA166&lpg=PA166 &dq=Ecrits+de+Mrs+des+Missions+e%CC%81trange%CC%80res+sur+l%27Affaire+de+la+Chine&source=bl&ots=R4a1O9c_vw&sig=Q9rsRULFblT6D 3B3mihmoVVoFHg&hl=de&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwih6IeQ6crPAhXCOxQKH f9iCgMQ6AEIITAA#v=onepage&q=Ecrits%20de%20Mrs%20des%20Missions %20e%CC%81trange%CC%80res%20sur%20l%27Affaire%20de%20la%20Chine&f=false. |
Publication / Ecr1 |
19 |
1710 |
Noël, François. Observationes mathematicae, et physicae in India et China. Factae à Patre Francisco Noël Societatis Jesu, ab anno 1684. usque ad anum 1708. (Pragae : Carolo Fernandeae, 1710). [Darin enthalten sind die Längen- und Breitengrade von 28 chinesischen Städten, Mitteilungen über das chinesische Kalenderwesen und über die chinesischen Masse und Gewichte und die chinesische Astronomie]. https://catalog.hathitrust.org/Record/001475746, |
Publication / Noe1 |
20 |
1710 |
Pétis, François ; Pétis de La Croix, François. Histoire du grand Genghizcan premier empereur des anciens Moguls et Tartares : divisée en quatre livres ; contenant la vie de ce Grand Can, son elevation, ses conquêtes, avec l'histoire abregée de ses successeurs qui regnant encore à present. Traduite et compilée de plusieurs auteurs orientaux & de voyageurs européens, dont on voit les noms à la fin, avec un abregé de leurs vies ; par feu M. Pétis de la Croix le pere. (Paris : Claude Barbin, veuve Jombert, 1710). [Cingis Khan]. https://archive.org/details/historyofgenghiz00pt. |
Publication / PetF1 |